100% Route
9 years ago

sounds good :)


I've recently been thinking about running 100% of this game, and here people are talking about routing it! How coincidental! :P

A few things I can think of:

  • True Jedi does not need to be routed. It can be done in either Story Mode or Free Play very easily. Stud multipliers actually count towards True Jedi! :D If you have Score x2, x4 and x6 all activated you can literally get True Jedi within seconds of starting a level. The Power Bricks for these should be collected at the earliest opportunity (they don't require non-Story Mode characters) so we can get True Jedi in Free Play mode at the latest.

  • In Free Play mode you can save and exit a level, meaning you do not need to complete a level to get the 10/10 minikits golden brick. Indeed, we should collect all easy minikits in Story Mode, especially those that can be found right at the end of a level. This'll to prevent ourselves from having to effectively complete a level twice just to collect a minikit which we could have collected in Story Mode.

  • The Droideka is the fastest character in the game, so it should be used frequently in Free Play and in the Challenge Levels.

What do you think?

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc and 2 others like this
Washington, USA

Another option is super gonk/self destruct gonk droid because he's fast and can break metal bricks quickly


Hello all!

I have routed the Blue Minikits in Episode 1, let me know what you think! :)

I'm working on the other episodes now.

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc and 3 others like this
Michigan, USA

I have done runs of both new city and old city years ago, I hope they will help:

old city ------ http://www.twitch.tv/poshact/c/3333434 new city ----- http://www.twitch.tv/poshact/c/3338105

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc and 2 others like this

Yeah I recommend doing the Challenge Modes immediately after exiting a level's story because they give you a lot of money that can be used to buy the multipliers. Then after chapter 6 of each story, go right in and do the Super Story and bonuses for more cash.


Good idea, though not all Challenge Mode levels can be completed after Story Mode. Some require end-game characters, mainly the Sith ones.


Episode 2 and 3 Blue Minikits:

You may have noticed that I do not use the Triple Jump glitch in these videos. The reason for this is that the glitch is very difficult to do on the Wii version. It is certainly possible, but very hard to execute in practice given the shape of the Wii remote. Perhaps someone with the XBox version would like to expand upon my routing? ;)

(Unless I'm just holding the controller the wrong way! xD)

United States

Could doing the super story's count as completing the episodes in any%??


I did a 100% run recently (17:34:16, following mostly zulice's route) and here's some possibly useful things in some random order:

  • Stud magnet is awesome, its red brick can be found in 2-1 (can be collected in story mode), and really helps collecting studs fast and getting those true jedis early in the run
  • Once you have 60 gold bricks, you'll be earning 100,000 studs for each gold brick you get which helps a lot
  • You don't actually have to collect any the red bricks because when you have 160 gold bricks you can build the stud fountain outside of the cantina and unlock all the extras that way
  • Although I suggest getting at least these extras (red bricks):
    • x2
    • x4
    • x6
    • x8
    • stud magnet
    • exploding blaster bolts
    • deflect bolts
    • invincibility
    • infinite torpedoes
  • I also used these ones to speed up some things but they might not be that important:
    • fast force
    • fast build
    • mini-kit detector (because I'm bad at remembering things)
    • force pull (for killing gonk droids in bonus levels lol)
  • Remember that you have to play almost each level 4 times (story mode, super story, free play, challenges) to get all you need - that's a lot (4¤36 = 144) + bounty hunting + bonus levels
  • ^That's why the run can't be 10-12 hours without hax, more realistic run would be 14-18 hours I think (unless you can optimize everything perfectly)
  • I lost about 30 mins to some stupid unforeseeable bugs, so be aware of that there are some
  • I didn't practice much so there's a lot of room for improvement, especially in minikit and blue minikit hunting (I forgot to collect some minikits and had to go back to a level a few times) and efficient stud collecting
AnAnonymousSource, Zacc and 2 others like this

You need 160 gold bricks to build it, and it unlocks all the extras (I suppose you won't even find the corresponding red bricks in the levels after that) and gives you studs infinitely. Here's a video I found: As you can see, it says "All extras unlocked"


Bounty hunting is a good stud source tho, I had over 60 gold bricks at that point, so I got 2,000,000 studs just by playing through the 20 missions (a gold brick after 60 gold bricks = 100,000 studs) + the reward money ->about 3 million studs from bounty hunting

So I've been working on my own theories for routing 100%. I've got some footage which I plan to link that shows some of the early game. Here's what I have so far.

Most of my theory is based around the super early game; the first hour or so of the run is the most critically important part. Done well, you can set yourself up to sail through the rest of the game. Done poorly, you're gonna have a bad time. To that end, my routing work has focused on getting critical red bricks and characters as early as possible, with as few trips to the bar as possible. Here's my route as it currently stands:

1-1 2-1 (make sure to collect the red brick) 3-1, 3-2 story (3-1 can be cleared in one go; make sure you do) 3-1 challenge (to make sure you have enough studs for bar trip 1) Bar trip 1: Buy stud magnet, zam wessel, count dooku, greivous bodyguard 4-1, 4-2 story 4-2 free play (ONLY get the red brick; it's right at the beginning of the level and super useful) Bar trip 2: Buy fast force, stormtrooper, jawa. 5-1, 5-2, 5-3 story 5-2 free play (clear the level) Bar trip 3: buy fast build, tie bomber. You should now have all characters necessary to complete every free play and challenge level in the game. 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6 story (make sure to grab the red brick in 4-6) 4-5 free play (ONLY get the red brick. Similar to 4-2, the brick is right at the beginning and useful enough to warrant a two or three minute diversion)

At this point everything becomes a bit more open ended. I recommend doing some challenge missions (I think that's what I do in the videos) until you can afford invincibility. It's 1,000,000 studs, so it may take a bit. After that the route becomes much more open. You have everything you need to go fast, so it's mostly personal preference. I would recommend doing story mode, then immediately after doing super story and challenge modes. This gets the hard parts out of the way early before fatigue and boredom set in. This is a minimum 12-15 hour run, so those factors MUST be considered. Doing these modes early will also limit the number of times you have to pause to reactivate your red bricks.

Some things to note: Generally I feel it's better to leave jedi status for free play runs, since you'll be in the level longer no matter what, which means fewer diversions. However this is just personal intuition and not supported by evidence. If you can get a minikit in story mode without going well out of your way, go for it. Some are less worth it (such as under the domes at the end of 1-3) but others are complete no brainers (such as anything not behind a tie fighter door.) Use your best judgement when deciding what to go for. If someone could do some testing/routing for optimal story vs free play minikits, that'd be great. If it's a red brick that isn't stud magnet, fast force, fast build, invincibility, or score x2, SKIP IT. Getting all of the gold bricks not only unlocks the red bricks, but also "buys" them for you free of charge. Why waste time on something you'll get for free anyway? Score x2 is the only multiplier I feel to be worth the effort. With stud magnet and score x2, jedi status becomes almost trivial. Score x4 is expensive and I don't think it's worth the extra effort. Sure it feels good to have a big multiplier, but every one requires an extra trip to the bar and extra time to buy; time that isn't necessarily made up for. I am absolutely open to feedback. If anyone has any changes or ideas, please share them. If you can present evidence that shows my route is flawed, I'll immediately change it. As of writing this, I have a file that's 22.6% complete in just over 3:06. If I kept that pace, that sets me up for a 15 hour time; more than 2 hours faster than the current record. Before my percentage started slowing down due to challenge missions and such, I was on pace for a 12 hour run. With refinement and optimization, I FIRMLY believe we can get this game down to 12 or 13 hours.

Apologies for the imposing wall of text. Video links to come soon. May the Force be with you.

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc and 2 others like this

Here come the videos. The first one cuts out partway through 4-2. I noticed and resumed streaming right after. I'm sure we've all seen that level enough times to know what happens. It's worth pointing out that some of the stuff I do in the videos won't match what I said in the post above. The post reflects my most refined current version. I've made a change or two since recording. Please remember this wasn't a serious attempt. I do some stuff that isn't optimal. This is to demonstrate my route, not actually attempt a run. All that aside, feast your eyes on some firmly mediocre Lego speedrunning.

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc and 2 others like this

good stuff When are you going to run this? Must watch


Here are some stupid glitches I found during my 100 % run. Just don't destroy that bush before using force on it. i don't know what happened

For logistical reasons, the absolute earliest you can expect a full run would be late May. But it'll probably be later than that. My "route" past what I have posted here is "whatever I feel like at the time" and I'd like to refine it a bit from that. But college sucks and eats a whole lot of my time.

I've encountered the glitch in 3-4 multiple times as well, and not destroying the bush does prevent it. Not sure if I've ever seen the 6-2 one, though. Will have to watch.

A few things I learned during my co-op 100%.

1: Jesus christ, Asher, learn where the bloody blue kits are. 2: Score x4 is easy to get in story and well worth the time for making jedi status much easier. 3: Good goly gosh do those bar trips need to be optimized. 4: Do not under any circumstances buy more characters than you absolutely have to. The percentage feels nice to have but the expanded selection during free play is the opposite of fast. Having your nearest force user four or five clicks away from your starter is bad for going fast. 5: Jesus christ, Asher, learn where the bloody white kits are. 6: Exploding blaster bolts is actually worth your time to get in story mode. 7: Jesus christ, Asher, practise the bloody game and DON'T lose multiple hours to awful routing, bad bar trips, and forgetting whewre things are.

It's really hard to quantify how much time was actually lost during our run just due to really stupid shit that's easy to avoid. Gut feeling says at least an hour, maybe two got wasted to missed minikits, bad level routing, glitches, unoptimized bar trips and the like. Sure we have the record now but the run was so bad I don't feel like it's deserved. I'm gonna put some more time into proper routing and maybe do a single player run. 12 hours is probably an unrealistic goal but I feel like 16:XX in game is not unobtainable. It'd be really nice to see some more people working on this route and figuring out the best order for doing things and which bricks actually save enough time to be worthwhile. I understand that this game is long and a minimum 18 hour run is intimidating as fuck for newer runners, but this is the category we as a community need to work on. This is the run with the most time to be saved and the most potential to become something really impressive and fun to watch/run. I'd LOVE to take this game to a GDQ event for example (LSW II any% was run at AGDQ back in like 2010) but any% is sort of boring to watch and 100% needs to be hammered down to a reasonable time. We have a fun game, we have some smart people, so let's get this run worked out. Conisder the shots fired and the shade thrown. I want a 16:XX in game run by the end of August.

Apologies for the rant and wall of text. I have strong feelings about this. I shall now go start running so I look like less of an ass.


I've had a few 100% files that I got by skipping some red bricks and they are still 100% files.

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Tonight we announced the lineup for our 2024 Any% Break the Record event. This lineup will feature:

WiiSuper, itsjared97, ERoadhouse, FrostByte, Bricko, FlamingLazer, Herasmie, Scynor, DaHamster, Jablaky, and 2 runners invited through our qualifiers. These qualifiers will be held tomorrow, July 28t

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