1st place run auto clicked?
1 year ago
New Zealand

after purifying items in the house he's spamming on the doors, just an observation which might not mean anything at all but still something to look at


The reason why i accept it is because i couldnt really verify if it was a autoclicker or not (since people here spam doors randomly). But now reconsidering about the run, yea im gonna reject it until further notice (he can provide me proof in DM's that he "didnt cheat")

She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

additionally you could just require audible clicks for top runs

iostpa likes this

hm, i like that idea but i'll think about it

zir0nic likes this
United Kingdom

as much as an autoclicker is considered cheating, it doesnt add an advantage since there is still a "cooldown" for clicking on roblox, its the same as clicking fast


@Detectivemax i know about the cooldown when you click the crucifix, noticed it a while ago but i still think that autoclickers shouldn't be allowed in this game

United Kingdom

obviously what you are saying makes sense, but using it literally makes no difference so i think there is no point


@Detectivemax eh i still think it shouldnt be allowed

United Kingdom

its just an inconvenience to have to install a keyboard overlay especially since my microphone doesnt pick up clicks

She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

getting big "i use an autoclicker" vibes from this guy


@Detectivemax Nohboard is for people who dont use their mics so you can mute your mic and have nohboard in obs. But if these rules are that hard for you then dont speedrun this game, its that easy.


quick follow up, you dont need Nohboard or your mic anymore, but autoclickers are still not allowed

She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

so autoclickers are allowed as long as you don't tell anybody


yea that will be a problem sadly


but only one kid blatantly used a autoclicker, so ill wait a while until i reintroduce that rule aka when more people start using autoclickers

Edited by the author 1 year ago
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

ok but we have no way of being sure if people are using autoclickers if there's no method of detection

nohboard is literally so easy to set up, if it's too much of an "inconvenience" then dawg how do you have enough time to run the game


you have a point, bringing that shit back

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  1. You no longer need to use Nohboard or have your mic on in the runs. If I have rejected your runs because of that rule, please DM me on discord or here on src and I'll fix that.

  2. I've recently (aka for more then a couple months) been wanting to not moderate this game, if you wish to be a modera

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