Hey y'all, in this video I found a skip that skips the animation of putting on the mask. This allows you to do things like vaulting, jumping, and running faster earlier than you should be able to. The guide is in the description but I'll put it here again:
Hold G to start putting on your mask, and before the prompt is finished press E once to bring up the phone. Remember, you can't use the phone while sprinting, so if you wanna do this skip you have to be walking or standing still.
Small edit
If you have motion sensors equipped this doesn't work, since motion sensors don't require a phone to activate, thus pressing E does not pull up the phone.
I was doing some testing to see if it worked on console or not. On legacy controls, you have to press down on the Dpad to pull up the phone first than immediately put on the mask.
Hello heisters!
Following much deliberation, using both the results of the forms and internal opinions of the moderator team (obviously leaning more into form results), we have come to announce our two new verifiers! We'd like to welcome @ILLEST & @Y5ET with open arms to the moderation team as our