3 years ago

So i did some coil speedruns a while ago. i stopped speedrunning cuz i lost interest. then i come back after a while only to see the record SMASHED by just skipping the whole level which previously was not possible? someone got an explanation??????


But It wasnt possible before. how do they just skip it? like im able to do the skips it just isnt supposed to be possible

Dominican Republic

there's this one thing called a discovery

New Jersey, USA

the physics were changed in january and it screwed up the coils, so now you can skip levels with it

TheSecondTry, IcyPretzel, and Ivory like this
New Jersey, USA

it wasn't a new skip, it's the physics that were changed and caused the gravity coil to be stronger

TheSecondTry, IcyPretzel and 2 others like this
Dominican Republic

i see

Jaicodonutsz likes this
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I see this in YouTube

United States

2 reasons for this

  1. The player was changed to be smaller and therefore being of less weight
  2. The player was modified so that the hitbox would interact with the gravity coil to give you higher height and or possible lower falling speed as well
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New game update (Sept. 2024)

Not just with level switching, but also with the addition of new levels (among other things)!! The old "All Levels" category has been archived, and now there are categories for 30 levels and All Levels (now that there are 45 levels in the game).

Reminder to enable the following sett

4 months ago
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