Out of bounds testing findings
6 years ago
Ohio, USA

So I've been doing a lot of testing of the out of bounds from the library and wanted to share a couple of my findings.

Two theories I've tested:

Triggering kendos cut scene

Unfortunately, the cut scene cannot be triggered at all without Ada. I was able to get properly 100% footed and unlocked inside kendo's shop.

And getting down to the croc from the library:

A lot of people were wondering if it's possible and yes it is

Getting to the crocs raceway unfortunately does not trigger the cut scene. However, you can get to the next elevator but we need more brainstorming on how to lower PAST it to possibly trigger Annette's cut scene.

At the moment it seems that tying the library to the tram skip is rather impossible but I'd love to see it happen with Leon.

Anyways, just posting todays findings in hopes to help further this skip along.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
JTB likes this
Arizona, USA

You're doing amazing work, keep it up ?

lessaid likes this
United States

If you go just outside the parking garage and then go in and interact with the key card scanner you get the first cut-scene where you meet Ada.

United States

Also this happened to me when i was just a little two low going under the floor that breaks and pushes you down.

Ohio, USA

Is this the rdp library and too low for the push down? You can walk up the library railing to the correct height then walk over to where the floor breaks to trigger oob.

Also, I know about the parking lot terminal https://www.speedrun.com/re2remake/thread/wqvg9 , trying to trigger something past that area for a better skip :)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
North Carolina, USA

Crap, so Kendo cutscene doesn't trigger. Is the lab anywhere in the oob. I'm guessing no and it loads in the whole new area.

Ontario, Canada

Airwalking can be used to do some interesting stuff like oob and a few other things. I know little about it myself but it's been getting alloy of testing and actual run application thanks to vipeazone.

Ohio, USA

I made an in depth guide as to why oob works and how to trigger it. Hopefully it'll help people to get oob more consistently from an understanding point of view instead of RNG seeming.

GoronMegaZord, NuZ and 4 others like this

Nice video, hopefully more people will start looking into this.

lessaid likes this
Ohio, USA

Was messing around today when I came to realize.... OOB isn't safe anymore:

Wondering if we can manipulate these oob zombies the same way to re inbound a locked character?

I also found a way to get the crank, diamond key (which is this zombie btw) and activate the kennel shutter all from OOB before you activate the first doggo cutscene. Still working on getting back in bounds from that though, I'll share that video soon too. I'm trying to figure out a way to save more time on Leon's run...

Edited by the author 6 years ago
NuZ likes this
Ohio, USA

So some bad news today with patch 1.03.

As of right now - it seems that the patch has modified the auto correction zones that enabled air walking. Though its not completely impossible, it is rather hard. I've only been able to do it once so far and will be continuing testing to figure out exactly whats different.

With this successful attempt I had some notes...

  • Leon hopped a few times before auto correction finally failed and air walking was enabled
  • Leon ended up OVER the railing, meaning head on with the stairs might be what changed
  • some failed attempts seemed to possibly have added in a slight movement backwards during the zombie bite off steps

For the time being all I have is a picture for proof that its still possible...


The picture shows that the patch is downloaded on steam also

As always I'll try to keep everyone here informed on what I find

Edited by the author 6 years ago
GoronMegaZord and NuZ like this
Ohio, USA

Finally got a video of another successful attempt:

it seems that moving towards the railing after the animation still allows airwalking!

This is on pc btw

Edited by the author 6 years ago
GoronMegaZord, Beckski93 and 2 others like this
Ohio, USA

Here is a new tutorial for enabling airwalking in 1.03:

NuZ likes this
Greater Manchester, England

Since the patch has changed the glitches used to complete the run, shouldn't the boards for glitches runs separate the versions of the game used for the run now?

Mina_Angura likes this