It appears the main mods of Tetris 99 have been gone for a couple months. If anyone would like to commit to helping moderate the game, and you are also an active runner, drop me a message on SRC or Discord.
I understand you wouldn't want me, because I haven't uploaded anything, because I don't have a capture card, but when I've got some runs up, and am more established, if you still need mods I can.
I'm not like the best, but I've played Tetris since I was a teenager, and if all the strats are the same as Tetris Friends, and I'm familiar with all the major mechanics and battle strats, as I played a couple of thousand hours over there on battle 2p (although am shit at 4 wide, and can't set up back-to-back t spins, but understand the theory)
It happened to me once, and currently on another game it's the same!m for me !
If need be you can hire me. I currently keep my eye on a couple other boards such as Super Mario Party, Mario Party DS, and Kid Icarus: Uprising