Wonder Woman Route (Legit Edition)
5 years ago


I just finished the routing for Wonder Woman Route (the fastest route ever possible!)

There may be room for small optimizations in the future, but it should be a breeze to beat the game now! Stop learning other routes, this is going to save you 30 minutes on any other route!

A link to the route is here: https://www.speedrun.com/The_Legend_of_Dragoon/guide/dooh4

Enjoy guys! Doesn't require insane mashing skills either! Actually easier mashing than traditionally necessary!

8bitOnigiri and Wafer6377 like this
Texas, USA

Any chance of a .pdf version? Been having trouble opening on my desktop without a MS account, if not its all good.

Also thankyou for all the work on a new route, hopefully my fingers will be saved a bit!


Thanks Holy Diver for your input. Will PDF the guide as well in your honor later!

There is a lot of room for restful mashing now. Maybe sometimes 180-220% for some peace of mind. Will try to export it to PDF tonight! Keep an eye on the link to the route.

Pennsylvania, USA
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

Can we get expanded strats to the Melbu Frahma fight? Please and thanks!

South Dakota, USA

So, if this new strategy/route is the new fastest and will shave around 30 minutes, when can we expect a taste of the new world record run, Death?


I refined the notes a lot. So if you downloaded it previously, delete that and re-download this one!

Found some small improvements in shopping and menuing!

Melbu Frahma information has been added now. It's simply impossible to die if you equip the Therapy Ring instead of the Magical Ring for the final fight, but you will lose ~2 minutes. It's up to the runner if 2 minutes is worth it for a guaranteed boss fight. You can try out the final boss battle in an emulator by downloading the save file from the Resource section to the left.

I will get the record today (unless the console freezes).


New Update:

Short Version (We found 5 minutes of time saves in Disc 1 by including Shana later in the disc instead of early on).

  • Upon actually running this and comparing to my previous route we noticed that starting with Shana so early is not that beneficial after all. We lose a lot of time casting more magic items than necessary and extending the boss battles.

So what will change from the route in the upcoming days is:

  • Dart will be sacrificed in all boss battles to maintain a LV 3 for the tournament (so he dies to anything instantly).
  • Reduced shopping requirements thanks to this and saves menu time
  • Improved damage output with Rose (we buff her up as soon as she joins instead of Shana) //Shana still gets 50% of the total EXP after each battle which is 3x more than normal thanks to the EXP Glitch by soloing.
  • Should be safer ;)

I will also make it easier for noobs to join in on the runs by adding more Charm Potion information. Most of the times it is just to use them whenever red. I have been more focused on finishing the actual accuracy of the route.

I expect to be done with the notes by next week and also complete a full run with the notes. I did an attempt today which was going well but noticed that mid-part of disc 1 is far too slow with Shana in the party instead of Rose. The EXP glitch is that the party members who aren't in the party get 3 times as much EXP if you solo the boss battles (an unforseen glitch by the devs probably).

I will let you know once the FINAL VERSION is up. The route still works great and all that, but 5 minutes time-loss is not something I feel proud about knowing I missed out on while running. Those 5 minutes might be what makes sub 11 possible legit. ;)


Mate the xp distribution is not a glitch. More unclever design but it is totally intended that way. We are just bloody clever baboons exploiting it like that.


Of course the EXP disitribution between party members is intentional, but not the fact that the off-party members get 3x more EXP than normal if you SOLO.

This is how it works: 3 Party Members share 3000 EXP (1000 EXP each) -> OFF-PARTY (500 EXP EACH) 2 Party Members share 3000 EXP (1500 EXP each) -> OFF-PARTY (750 EXP EACH - Why did it increase? LUL) 1 Party Member share 3000 EXP (3000 EXP) -> OFF-PARTY (1500 EXP each - What? 3x more than if all 3 were alive? LUL)

So while the active members share EXP is intended. I doubt the OFF-PARTY gaining an advantage of this was intentional (which is why Shana gets so high level by not being in the party while Rose solos). :) The only glitch is that the Off-Party members for some unknown reason gets more EXP. The EXP boss gave you didn't increase 3-fold. It's still the same EXP pool.

The Joke: Someone who is not in the party gets more EXP than if all 3 were alive and actively fighting a boss. LUL

Edited by the author 5 years ago

I know how it works but that is not a glitch at all, in fact it is very simple to explain. Off Party members just get half the xp that every active member gets. First game determines what to give all active members by checking how many are alive then cuts that in half for passive. For example, Boss XP is 600XP and 1 person died. First the game calculates XP/livingchars and stores 300XP. Now it gives every active living character 300XP and half that (150XP) to every passive character. The fact that this results in passive member gaining more xp than usually 3 living active ones would when you solo a boss is just something they probably didnt think about so its not designed very smart. But thats not a glitch, it does what it is supposed to do.

White Knight Chronicles II btw treats exp exactly the same way lod does.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

Glad the routing is getting safer! I can't wait to bring this game back to my active speedrun category! Time to get rid of that shite 15 hour time


I wouldnt call it safer. Disc4 is very much reliant on items and that is tighter than ever before. Melbu frahma is a problem. At least a bigger one than in previous routes.


The route is now finished for the Legit Edition.

I will start working on the Turbo Route.

As for Melbu Frahma, he is easier than ever! There is even a choice for the player to equip Therapy Ring on Miranda so that she is indestructible for the final battle. The downside is that she loses 11% of her Magical Damage if you decide to go for it, but it may make up for the damage by never having to heal her. if people don't go for a World Record run, and don't mind losing 2 minutes to guarantee the final boss battle, then this is a blessing from above! The battle is so free with the Therapy Ring!

I will put up demonstration fights today (Magical Ring vs Therapy Ring)

I would recommend all runners who don't aim for a World Record to go for the Therapy Ring version of the fight. It just simply isn't worth losing the entire run because of greed.

Trans Light 240% (Magical Ring) - 1075 Damage Trans Light 240% (Therapy Ring) - 967 Damage

The difference is +11% (meaning that if you cast 10 Trans Lights, it would essentially be the same as casting 9 Trans Lights with the Magical Ring). Is it really worth it to get 1000 damage extra every 10 turns? Hmm... Up to you guys to decide. It's not a 3 hour speedrun exactly if you die to Melbu. I am sure you will lose more than 2 minutes if you die. Kappa

Melbu Frahma (Magical Ring - 18:49)

Melbu Frahma (Therapy Ring - 21:35)

I am not going to grind test battles against Melbu Frahma to show what the best possible time would be, but you can download the save files in the RESOURCE TAB if you want to try them out on your own!

I can tell that the Magical Ring fight is slightly favored in RNG over the Therapy Ring fight. Melbu was debuffed for a longer period of time (which is the RNG-based factor in the beginning of the fight - so I would say it is about 2 minutes of a difference). I just wanted to show that it's not a big difference. For some 2-3 minutes in an 11 hour long run won't matter. If you are aiming for a world record, then 2 minutes might make a difference.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
xelastigmo likes this

All routes should be tested and done. Good news for those who hate Hex Hammer. There is a new route for Turbo runners where you can use Albert as a final party member integrated with Wonder Woman Route!

Melbu Frahma: Miranda (Lv 45) - HP 5406/Speed 85 | Arrow of Force, Dragon Helm, Silver DG Armor, Dancer's Shoes, Magical Ring. Albert (Lv 40) - HP 3686/Speed 70 | Halberd, Phoenix Plume, Jade DG Armor, Magical Greaves, Bandit's Ring.

Miranda: Trans Light ~1175/1750/2350 Damage (Normal / Power Down / Power Up) Psyche Bomb X ~6200 Damage (Buffed) AoE Spells (873)

Albert: Attack (280% Gust of Wind Dance) - 664/996 Damage (Normal / Power Down)

  • The new route picks up Talisman in Disc 2 before Virage (protects against INSTANT DEATH attacks - used in Virage 2 and Nomos Guardians in Disc 4 to solo with Miranda without dying to the stone).
  • Lavitz/Albert gets a lot of focus early on in the route to farm additions while soloing a lot of bosses for amazing experience (he gets weaker later on compared to Miranda so he loses his importance up until Melbu Frahma with 280% Gust of Wind Dances).
  • Shana gets relevant earlier than in previous WW Route since Rose gets sacrificed INSTEAD of Shana in Disc 1. All this WHILE grinding Gust of Wind Dances. ;)
  • Grand Jewel gets smoked easily () for a demonstration. ;)
  • It is essentially a hybrid Miranda & Albert Route bringing the best of both worlds together.

As always notes and save files can be downloaded through the RESOURCES section to test for yourselves.

I plan to run this in the near future, and hopefully I can achieve a time of ~10:30 with a turbo controller. :)

PS. Don't forget about King Pao Faust Route ;)



wth is this Kappa @Deathtome

Wafer6377 likes this

Mate why would you do that. You have 280% only on gowd, thats not even gonna make it stronger than hex hammer with destroyer mace and you have to waste time on albert instead of just going full Miranda? And she ends up higher level. Im confused mate.


We will see. I will re-try the Any% record. If you are right I should stand no chance, but I think it is faster. There are many hidden factors as to why it is faster. Miranda solo would have Dart/Albert being low level in disc 2-4. For me I have Meru as a side-party member to dish out magical damage before she dies alongside Albert until I reach the end of Disc 2 where I start soloing with Miranda for the rest of the game. King Pao is the future, but I will try it out in a real speedrun soon. I will improve the Wonder Woman Route as well and keep it side-by-side in case people want the Haschel ending. I just haven't added the Talisman and other improvements into the old route yet, but it will be coming for those who wants to run the purist Wonder Woman Route with strong Rose.

It's not a joke man, I think it's slightly more reliable in terms of average speed of battles.


I spent my time refining the Wonder Woman Route today. It is now improved massively and I consider it the final version for now. I think I am finally done with routing these. I also removed the differences between turbo and legit. You can run either one with these notes. You might kill a boss with one item less or something like that in some rare cases and that is alright.

I do think after replaying the Wonder Woman Route it might be slightly faster after all. It is fun to have the Therapy Ring for the impossibility to die.

Latest Patch Notes - Wonder Woman Route:

  • Noted exactly every chest I pick up (previously I assumed people would pick up Total Vanishings without mentioning it).
  • Now buying 5x Dancing Rays from Dabas (after Fire Bird) instead of buying 5x Thunderbolts from the merchant before Jiango (saves time).
  • Faster and more reliable Shirley answers (fighting Albert before Shana).
  • Buying Panic Guard (protects against Confusion vs. Jiango & Fruegel #2)
  • Specifying how many Charm Potions I use in different areas.
  • Talisman is picked up in Disc 2 (before Virage to protect against instant death vs. Virage #2 & Nomos' Guardians).
  • Therapy Ring is skipped (just kidding, LUL it is the best accessory in the game).
  • 100% guaranteed victory vs. Nomos' Guardians & Imago (no more random instant death attacks).
  • Soloing Imago with Miranda (previously duo'd with Haschel).
  • Backup strats to missed Archangel has been added (costs 1x Night Raid - opposite element of Archangel)
  • Ending up with Miranda being LV 47 instead of 45 in previous route. Haschel remains unchanged.
  • Albert is slightly higher level vs. Emperor Doel (Solo Disc 4 Fight).
  • Improved Menus & Shopping efficiency.

If you happen to have an old Wonder Woman Route saved, please download the latest one. Last changed: 2019-03-09. Should now be final version.