Portal rules - changes and reformulations
9 years ago

This topic is to easily see and track rule changes and similar things.

Should you find any missing information that NEEDS to be in there or a missing command that was previously allowed please notify a active moderator. This is NOT the place to discuss if something should or should not be allowed.

Since inbounds and oob are similar i just took the inbounds ones since they needed more info in them. Should there be something different for oob i will point it out seperately.


Goal: Beat the game without having your camera or placed portals leave the map and without scripts,macros or cheats. Beat the game in one sitting, quicksaves and quickloads are allowed. Should you peek oob by accident and DID profit from it - you have to load the last save. _

Version: For portal runs the Source Unpack is used which can be found in the resource section, you can do runs on the latest steampipe but note that not all tricks will be usable (mainly saveglitch) _

Timing: Timing begins when the crosshair appears and ends when it disappears after Glados' death. Timing is done using Ingametime - Livesplit is highly recommended due to its auto-start/stop and load removal. You are allowed to use the official save (resource section) to skip the vault. You have to set livesplit to start at 53.01 seconds if you use the save. _

Proof: All runs HAVE to be submitted with some sort of proof in form of a video or demos. In case of suspicion demos can be requested by the mods. Videos have to show the full run from start to finish. Demos can automatically be recorded with Maxxuss' demo plugin (see resources). Demos including the vault.dem HAVE to be submitted if you decide to use the save to skip the vault, videos are not sufficient. As a result of the save implementation screenshots are no longer a valid proof and will get rejected (as they should've always been...). _

Allowed commands/bindings: -Any bind that is accessible from the menu -sv_player_funnel_into_portals binding (checkbox in the menu) -toggle_duck binding (default controller bind) -cl_showpos 1 -binds for sensitivity -save/load on one key binding -custom named save binds -demo plugin related binds _

If you are unsure about a command, bind or other rule please ask via the forum.

(as of Wednesday, September 2, 2015)

Changes or additions on 9/2/2015

Timing: You are allowed to use the official save (resource section) to skip the vault. You have to set livesplit to start at 53.01 seconds if you use the save.

Proof: All runs HAVE to be submitted with some sort of proof in form of a video or demos. In case of suspicion demos can be requested by the mods. Demos including the vault.dem HAVE to be submitted if you decide to use the save to skip the vault, videos are not sufficient. As a result of the save implementation screenshots are no longer a valid proof and will get rejected (as they should've always been...).

PackSciences likes this
United Kingdom

This post has been left unamended since 9/2/2015. As such, here is an update of all rule changes since then: _

Changes or additions on 9/20/2015

Proof: Runs in the top 10 should provide both demos and a video, including livesplit. Top 10 runs HAVE to be submitted with a live recording with livesplit showing and demos.

This applied only to the Out of Bounds and Inbounds categories at this time. _

Changes or additions on 8/8/2016

Timing: Pauses have to be timed (Engine Ticks with Pauses)

This applies to all categories. _

Changes or additions on 10/30/2016

24 Cubes: Cube duping is not permitted _

Changes or additions on 12/4/2016

Allowed commands/bindings: -save, fps_max [fps], load on one key binding

This applies only to Out of Bounds _

Changes or additions on 3/13/2017

Proof: Runs in the top 10 should provide both demos and a video, including livesplit. Top 10 runs HAVE to be submitted with a live recording with livesplit showing and demos.

This was added to both glitchless and legacy at this point, due to their growth in popularity and competitiveness.

Banned Glitches:

  • VWW

This applies only to glitchless.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United Kingdom

Category-related changes on 4/30/2017

All miscellaneous categories have been moved to a new page: http://www.speedrun.com/Portal_Category_Extensions If you had any runs in these categories, they have also been moved and added to the leaderboards.

This leaves the four 'main' categories on this page: Out of Bounds, Inbounds, Legacy and Glitchless.

United Kingdom

Change on 12/03/2017

IL rules have had "No saving/loading" added to make the rules clearer, however the actual rules have not been changed.

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Change on 03/12/2019

The proof-rule "Demos including the vault.dem HAVE to be submitted if you decide to use the save to skip the vault, videos are not sufficient." has been removed from all categories. This means submitting demos is no longer required for runs using the vault save, just a video is sufficient. Please keep in mind though that SOME sort of proof (either demos or video) has to be provided for any run.

Imaproshaman and Rex_Saltus like this
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Change on 09/23/2019

Added "Save Delay" (saveloading while a portal is travelling to delay it landing) to the list of banned glitches in Glitchless.

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Change on 09/25/2019

The Inbounds Legacy category has been renamed to Inbounds No SLA (No Saveload Abuse), and the rules adjusted accordingly. Old Legacy rules: "You are not allowed to use the save glitch, any double edge glitches in 18, or any edge glitch that places your theoretical body out of bounds (such as the 11/12 edge glitch.) RTA only tricks are not allowed. (buttonsaveglitch)."

New Inbounds No SLA rules: "You are NOT allowed to do any glitch/trick/route that requires you to utilize loading saves (this includes autosaves and map transitions). You're still allowed to use quicksaves, but everything in your run needs to be theoretically possible without using quicksaves."

Also the rule "Should you peek oob by accident and DID profit from it - you have to load the last save." has been reformulated to "If you or your placed portals end up in out of bounds space, you need to reload a save (however, accidentally doing clipping glitch in maps like chamber 10 is OK)." to make the actual meaning a little clearer.

Imaproshaman likes this
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Console Retimes

Starting now and currently being grandfathered, all console runs will be manually retimed with load times removed. This process will be redone by the verification team anyway, so don't worry about doing it yourself when submitting. Massive shoutouts to Tactix1 for doing this basically single handedl

6 months ago