Please be respectful to other speedrunners
1 year ago
United States

Just throwing this out there for anyone who is coming here from DougDoug's stream: Please stop harassing this page about the speedrun.

Instead show some of these speedrunners support by checking out their runs and giving it a like. Its silly that people are coming here acting like the run being removed is a huge issue, when it was a joke run that shouldn't be taken seriously.

Arkad200, MagicMason1000 and 2 others like this
South Korea

This ^

I've made this clear on my videos, but I appreciate the DougDoug fans that have been supportive of the runs on the leaderboard. On the other hand, it's unfortunate that the group of fans that partake in trolling the leaderboard are giving a terrible impression of themselves, DougDoug, and his community.

AntBlueR likes this
North Brabant, Netherlands

Damn, its always a shame when this sorta stuff happens. Y'all hang in there, the trolls will go soon enough.

plank likes this
Lower Saxony, Germany

I realize this was a joke run, however: joke runs are being done all the time for other games. more often than not those runs are approved. if anything, I do think it could be its own category. (it would have the potential of growing the community for this game and thus also this page). not here to throw shade or anything, it's just an idea I've seen some games flourish because of joke runs/categories.

South Korea

Proposing that DougDoug's style of run should be a category of its own is completely ridiculous, and it tells me you don't have much experience on moderating speedrun communities, or the speedrun community as a whole.

I find it interesting that a lot of people think every speedrun community should strive to make as much outreach as possible, even if it means accepting runs that blur the boundaries of what's allowed and what shouldn't be. This is probably just one of the effects of speedrunning in general becoming so popular nowadays.

I can only speak for myself, but I also know from my collaboration with dozens of other speedrun community mods that we could care less about the traction our communities get. We care about the integrity of our current community and highly value the collective effort runners and other members put in to improve the speedrun and challenge ourselves.

Of course, getting a spike in new, interested runners is always enjoyable and we're always glad to help anyone out with the speedrun. However, invalid joke runs such as DougDoug's will never be exceptions to the rules we have established, regardless of how much attention they may bring to the community.

So, No, we won't reinstate DougDoug's run. No, we won't be creating a new category (or even a category within category extensions) that suits his run.

Rigno, VANCANTORUS and 4 others like this
United States

I agree that dougs run isn't even a speedrun, but all I will say is it can technically be called a tas. and the fact it can be is so cool, imagine AI tas's. this is the future for tas.

United States

Ok, So speed runs are cool and all but realistically DougDoug brought a lot of attention to the website and thus got it more money from visitors. A speed run attempt is a speed run attempt, and what does it hurt that it is at the bottom?

United States

makes sense, but it was literally in last place anyways, so I don't see how it matters since he technically was not cheating

VoryoMTG likes this

I will say, it's very tricky to have respect for a group that responds to a bit of fun with "you don't understand, blah blah blah", or, "this is ridiculous, blah blah blah", not to mention the attacks on the community as a whole.

It really does kinda prove the "elitist speedrunning community" trope. A tad bit.

VoryoMTG likes this
Washington, USA

If the speedrun is invalid just say it’s invalid. You are the mods you make the rules.

I can only speak for myself, but I also know from my collaboration with dozens of other speedrun community mods that we could care less about the traction our communities get. We care about the integrity of our current community and highly value the collective effort runners and other members put in to improve the speedrun and challenge ourselves.

I think it’s pretty backwards to try and defend your decision by saying you don’t want more people to come.

I’ve never met a single person who didn’t want more people to share the game they run. Generally we do this for the celebration of the game and the enjoyment it brings us.

It just makes us look elitist. I love speedrunning, of course I want more people to do it if they enjoy it. How else do people find speedrunning except by exposure to the idea?

VoryoMTG and loptyr like this

Bunch of Lameos. No Fun allowed i guess.

VoryoMTG likes this
Antarctica site rules: "Just because something isn't in writing doesn't mean it is allowed. If you are doing something drastically outside of normal expectations for a game category, it is recommended to contact a moderator to clarify if it is allowed."

United States
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United States

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