Request for new category
3 years ago
Queensland, Australia

Hi there, I am here to suggest a new record category for this game. Now, this might all seem a little weird but I am suggesting a category for Upside Down Controller. Here's why, I watch a twitch streamer named ThunderfootBros, which is a channel run by twins where they take turns hosting or host together and play games with the audience. When Bacon (one of the bros) is at work, Sain (the other) plays solo and plays always with his Controller upside down. He ran this game and completed it in 1cc with his controller upside down. Many of us feel this achievement should be considered a record so I wanted to suggest it here and see what you guys think. This is a link to the twitch vod.


... I think dont need create that category.

North Brabant, Netherlands

I don't think literally every gimmick run should be on the leaderboard.

United States

Challenge playthroughs like these do interest me, however I don't believe something like this is worth creating a new category for. For starters, this doesn't seem like it would lend itself to any new or interesting routing or strategies. All of the challenge comes from fighting against your own muscle memory, but once that hurdle is overcome, it doesn't seem like this would be too different from Any%.

In addition, as others have already mentioned, just because there's a way to play handicapped doesn't mean it should be a speedrun category. I've seen people do co-op runs where 2 people play at the same time one controller, but I never see them accepted as a category. I'm sorry, but this isn't going to be added.

UnicornCarnage likes this
Queensland, Australia

Hey thanks for the replies guys. I am new to the speed running community in general so this has actually taught me a fair bit. I thank you for even having a look at. I am sorry to have wasted your time on this. Thanks again =)

North Brabant, Netherlands

There is no need to apologize, you are learning. :)

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