NES Classic Framerate
4 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

Is there any way to fix NES Classic's framerate?

KilleDragon likes this
Maryland, USA

What do you mean?

KilleDragon likes this

Is it running slower than normaly? And is the music pitched down and slowed down? If it is, then you might have picked a fake (and dendy region whiich is slower than NTSC) NES classic edition.

KilleDragon likes this

And there is no way to fix that

KilleDragon likes this
Illinois, USA

The official NES Classic runs at a flat 60 FPS, while the regular NES runs at about 60.1 FPS, so it is slower to run on and there is no way to "fix" it.

Nebula_Composer, Scrimsion and 3 others like this
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