Tipo de minigame
2 years ago

Porque quando eu mando uma run de um minigame aparece outro. Exemplo: Run de water hop e aparece como Cliff dash.

sWinTuZ likes this
Bahia, Brazil

Quando você for enviar a run, você precisa colocar o game mod do vídeo na sub-categoria de game-mod. Ex: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/946017497415553074/1013219711925895178/20220827_195109.jpg Você clica na parte do game-mode e coloca o minigame que você jogou na run

jensj56, sWinTuZ, and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
Somerset, England

I think you mean that your runs are in the wrong category, the mods could update them but we don't know what mini game they were played in since you removed the YouTube videos And when submitting a run, you need to select the mini game yourself

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Gaming_64, sWinTuZ, and LordParoah like this
Bahia, Brazil

Oh, prob thats the case 😅 But the video is deleted so we cant check and fix it

sWinTuZ and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

Vlw agora eu entendi, eu não tinha visto

sWinTuZ likes this
Somerset, England

I guess the mods could edit the verified runs anyway, @Polvere01 are you sure these are played in Water Hop?

Gaming_64, sWinTuZ, and LordParoah like this
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