State of the Game - February 2022
3 years ago
United States

Hey y’all. New month, new post! In this one, I’ll just update you on some things I’ve been doing behind the scene. In addition, I have a poll for you all to fill out regarding some changes to leaderboards and rules.

First off, I have a beginner’s guide to speedrunning bloons recorded but I recently moved into an apartment, so editing has been slow. I hope to get that out in a week or two, we’ll see! I hope the guide will spark new interest in BTD6 speedrunning

Second off, I want to give huge regonizition to some players.

The most notable player at the moment is obviously Arisune, who has been absolutely tearing up the leaderboards and has nearly surpassed 50 records simultaneously (they may pass that number as February goes on)! I believe they are currently the undisputed Bloons champion. Congrats on all your world records, Arisune~!

I also want to recognize Schwitzman who is just insane at the game, taking nearly every single Expert map Impoppable and Hard WR as well has a lot of the Advanced maps. Basically if the category is difficult, Shwitzman does it. He hasn’t posted a run in a while, but I hope he comes back… and maybe someone will finally fill out Cargo impoppable. Hmm.

Australian streamer FroSteeMate came onto the scene and tackled the Black Border% category, knocking the time down by multiple minutes. He has recently ventured into IL’s including vastly improving the times in Workshop! I look forward to what he can do next.

And finally, SummerPi314159 has been quietly running Impoppable categories in the background on various maps. They’ve been posted really good times without the use of big trap or triple first strike! (Wait until they hear about those strats!)

Third! Speaking of Bloons Champion, I’m currently working with an old friend to make a Bloons overall leaderboard for ILs. Idk if you guys follow Mario Kart records at all, but I definitely feel our game shares a lot of similarity with theirs, so I think we had a sort of Champion leaderboard it could be fun! That way those of us who are active (GET YOUR FRIENDS TO SPEEDRUN THIS GAME COME ON) can compete for something greater than just the ILs! I hope to have it finished by next month, but I’m a busy gal (and also lazy) so who knows.

Fourth <o/ Did you guys know we have more categories than just each map and Easy through Impoppable on each map? Yes! We have “full game runs” (or as close as we can get!) You can compete for the #1 fastest CHIMPS completion on a map category (Easy, Int. Adv. and Expert), solo or CO-OP. In addition, you can race for the time spent to black border an entire map! Twitch streamer FroSteeMate has been running the Intermediate subset of this category and it looks pretty fun! If trying to optimize individual maps isn’t your style, try out these longer-form categories, it may suit you :)

And Last, I have two questions for all of you. Feel free to discuss the questions below, have a great February, and I’ll see you next month :)

Happy popping!


  1. Should PC and iOS/Android be separate categories? Mobile users are unable to uncap their FPS

  2. Should BTD6 have its own speedrunning discord? Idk should we?

Ivory, SummerPi314159 and 2 others like this
Gotland, Sweden
  1. I have no idea
  2. Doubt it would make things that much more active, but maybe I could avoid having to see people spam "dead chat" in every chat but BTD6. I don't see why not.

"You can compete for the #1 fastest CHIMPS completion on a map category (Easy, Int. Adv. and Expert)" I personally like to believe you compete for the #2 spot (;

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States
  1. Especially as things get more optimized, PC players easily have the advantage over mobile players for the most part. Uncapping FPS, loading time (mainly for the full game runs,) and not being able to do things as fast. Since there aren't many active runners for the game at the moment though, I don't think separate categories for each platform should matter currently. (It would also further separate what little runs there are for most of the categories) I do think once there is significantly more activity and runners on the scene it would be worthwhile to do.
  2. I agree with Potatoes that it probably wouldn't make things any more active, but it couldn't hurt to have a separate discord, especially for the future.
noneleft and BurningFlames like this
  1. Personally as of now, Im not sure if that is necessary... Maybe if we have in big influx of phone users, then we could possibly make it a seperate, tho that will be alot more work so I highly advise against it.

  2. I think the current one is good enough...idk :v dont think its really necessary tho. I mean... the current one is and goofing around then actual talking about speedrunning xD

The bloon champion things sounds really interesting. Can't wait to see what that's like :D Also, if you need a helping hand, I'll be glad to help, I have a lot more free time now since I demod myself couple months ago. You have been amazing at this and keep up the good work :D

Edited by the author 3 years ago
SummerPi314159 and Arisune like this
United Kingdom
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago
  1. I completely agree with BurningFlames, apart from quick placement and fps uncapping there's not a huge difference - you might not be able to get some of the tightest WRs but you can still get good times in most categories
  2. A BTD6 speedrunning discord can definitely not hurt, it's much easier to share runs and strategies and could become important if this game blows up in popularity. Also thanks for recognising me in the post noneleft!

[edit] To add to my point about having a discord, I think it would make co-op speedruns way more popular because it allows people to find other runners who are active at that time who can do runs with you

Edited by the author 3 years ago
noneleft likes this
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