Enforce Video Evidence
4 years ago
Virginia, USA

I vote that video evidence should be required and all current runs without it to be removed.

Without video evidence, it can leave room for people with bots (OQ. Minebot) to make them instantly win without any skill.

All a player has to do is be in a party with a bunch of other bots, and then make them all disconnect after the game has started.

Also, players that submitted runs with just summary links can hack/exploit the game since there is no video evidence. This can make them win significantly faster.

Furthermore, Hypixel has removed the after-game summary links, making it so that all future runs must have a video.

ThePigKing and Lowder like this
Basque Country

I dont understand very well the idea, but in all case what we Will not do is to delete 3/4 of the leaderboard if thats is the average of people that doesnt do it lol idk

North Brabant, Netherlands

This is a rule for all top3 runs but still doesn't seem to be enforced :O Honestly I doubt they will do anything about this. Runs breaking the current ruleset (even with video) have been present on the hypixel series for years now and even after pointing them out they do not get removed (Ex: skywars 1 kill)

United Kingdom

Old runs with no video proof should definitely be removed, it's clear that the mods don't verify runs properly (at least in the past) so we can't trust the runs with the hypixel stats aren't invalid in some way. They have verified runs with hackers, obviously impossible and faked times, and much more. If the mods can't take a few mins to check a run is valid then at least let the community view all the runs for themselves to make sure none are invalid.

I don't know if @CreatorCreepy and @Qrimzon were mods at the time when I saw all the faked/invalid runs, so I can't say if they verify runs properly or not.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
California, USA

Sorry that this took so long for a moderator to respond.

We had the idea of enforcing video evidence for each run before, and it almost happened in fact. We decided to enforce it ANY FUTURE top 3 runs instead. This was enforced, I wanna say September 2019? Any runs that are top 3 and before that are valid, as we said any runs after the timeframe will be rejected if Top 3. Of course, if the mistake has been made that there is a Top 3 run with no video evidence verified after the timeframe, please let us know in the Suggestion Thread.

The rule was enforced almost directly after Vixon/Gardevoir's 33 second solo run was removed for having an unreasonable time. If you have any questions, please feel free to put them in this thread.

Raleigh, NC, USA

On the note of faked runs using Hypixel stats site, I would like to follow speedrun.com's rules for handling suspected faked times.

"A run should be added it meets the burden of proof the game's community expects for the legitimacy of the run. It is neither 'innocent until proven guilty' nor 'guilty until proven innocent' With the information provided, does the community of the game feel that the run is legitimate, or does the community feel they need further proof? A run does not have to be proved to be cheated to not meet the burden of proof."

I would like the community to decide whether deleting all runs using the stats page is a good idea or not. I will make a follow up forum post later to cover this as I feel a rule change might be needed.

North Brabant, Netherlands

Delete all of them, it's impossible to do any 3rd party verification as another runner

ThePigKing likes this
California, USA

I actually disagree with removing all Stats site runs. It’s easily 3/4 of the entire leaderboard and some people who legitimately got these times would be wrongly rejected.

There’s a few things we check for on the Stats page to see if it’s legitimate or not. We check the time of the game, the amount of kills each player has, and the winner. In the case of the winner, if the person submitting didnt win, it would be rejected. In the other cases, if either have an unreasonable amount, they’re also rejected.

I see no reason to not have these runs, since they also could be valid. We started flagging them as EMU when we got one to show that it has no definitive proof and is only shown on the stats site.

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