Chapter 5 skip setup?
4 years ago

There's no setup for this skip, correct? The placement of the Mr Copy is always at a spot where you can get past it with the moving platform? Just asking because the Switch & PS4 versions have the Mr Copy down below the moving platform rendering the skip unusable but was hoping maybe there was more to it than meets the eye. Fingers crossed but looking like glitchless might be the way to go for consoles (kind of sad because that glitch looked so cool).

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

The later console versions cannot do this skip, that is correct (the PS3 version, the literal first version of the game to be published, can). The Switch version is also based on the mobile version and contains other very slight differences that make almost no noticeable difference time-wise (what differences there are are most apparent in Chapter 8 "The Nightmare").

Relatedly, I've sent messages to SwedishCheese asking to get rid of the subcategories grouping by platform, as they are not a full-on representation of which platforms have precisely the same versions of the game and because I consider them unnecessary in the first place (this simply isn't a popular enough game to have that many categories). He has never responded to me, so I'm just gonna go ahead and implement it. Typically in speedrunning, if a game is on PC that is the best platform (VERY rarely there may be console-exclusive tech/glitches that make something else more optimal) and runners on console accept that (typically modest) disadvantage, explicitly or tacitly. I see no reason this game should be any different.

ripWSB likes this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

I guess I'm doing it tomorrow.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Thanks for the confirmation!


Hi all,

Emeraldaly is correct, the game was originally released on PC and contained a lot of issues. I tested the game when it was ported to Mac, PS3 and the Wii U. A lot of the bugs like the chapter 5 skip were never fixed.

When the game was ported to Xbox and PS4 (I suppose Switch as well now), all bugs were still present and fixed for these versions of the game.

I unfortunately missed the big skip on chapter 8, I think, the military base.

I don't run anymore but happy to answer an questions anyone has regarding this game.

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

I had no idea you were even still alive :P This is the first time I can ever recall actually interacting with you. Chapter 8 is the entirely-linear "The Nightmare" you're probably thinking of the OoB in Chapter 9 "The Man Cave." It's really hard, I only ever got it in runs I think twice.

And yeah, that's why I removed the subcat variables. For one thing, "Steam/Xbox/Playstation" and "iOS/Switch" doesn't even mention the Wii U. But the constellation of which consoles can do the WR route is more specific than that. And it's just likely nobody will ever run the game on most of those platforms.

Invisio likes this

Yep still alive, I ran the original speed run because i knew it was quick and no one did it, then Swedish ran it and got all the credit :(

But when the new versions came out I stopped because testing the game 8 hours every day and then running it sucked and i wanted to play other games.

Feel free to manage this all you want :)

I may come back and run in the future, and try and beat your times but for now, im happy with sub 30 :)

Also that chapter 9 out of bounds isnt too hard, good find to who ever found it :)

EmeraldAly likes this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Hey man, you had WR when I started learning the game. I watched your run a ton of times, and learned the basics from it (even though you never say a word during the run :P ) I've stopped running the game too, I was more than happy with my sub-26 (forigvenn has since proven it inaccurate, but my comment at the time said I didn't see much time left to save, and even now I don't think there's much I could save). I'm definitely still happy to look after the leaderboard though.

Not related to the skips initially in question but just wanted to drop some custom trophy ideas. This game has been so fun to play (Zoink makes some really fun, whacky games) and if anyone has any ideas or any input at all in this matter, please share.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

For anyone playing on console (at least PS4 & Switch), the OoB skips in Ch 9 work. The bridge skip in Ch 7 seems to be a no-go unfortunately. Also, load times between chapters on Switch seem even worse than PS4 which are pretty slow already.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

There's also a very small skip in Chapter Three you can do on console, that you didn't in your any% run. If you connect to a pin above right as the cutscene starts with the dog attacking the mobsters (after placing the teeth sticker), you're up top after skipping the cutscene and you're in the OoB state where you can walk off the front of the scenery (after grabbing the "hole" sticker). It skips having to grab the pin to the left to get back down below and walking right a little bit. Overall timesave is about 1.5 seconds.

ripWSB likes this
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