Any% Lakitu + CCF Ace/Eagle Strats - NTSC-J (nonstar Waluigi) *Includes Extra Strats*
6 years ago
Minnesota, USA

Current Any% Route as of 1/2/19

Feel free to pull from these strats, add onto here in the forum, or create a text file of this to use during your runs. Ace strats make everything more exciting!

Important: These strats are for NTSC-J, and may not work on NTSC-U or PAL versions of the game.

Par 3s are only teeshots, whereas Par 4s have a specified teeshot that, in most cases, applies to both pin locations. The strats are made this way for runners' convenience in being able to discern which pin location they have on a given hole after having made the teeshot.

If you manage to get 4 strats in a run with hole 9 eagle (or 5 strats without), you can skip holes 13, 16 and 17. If you get 6 strats with hole 9 eagle (or 7 without), you can skip 13, 14 and 17.

Legend: Teeshot: (Hole) - [(up/down)club - power shot] impact point @ mark on power meter, mishit, spin Second shot, if applicable: (Flag location/yardage) - [(up/down)club - power shot] impact point @ mark, mishit, spin ^1W | v3W = club up or down from current club to this club +1%/-1% = Shot distance variation AA - topspin, AB - super topspin, BB - backspin, BA - super backspin Hook - late mishit past sweetspot Slice - early mishit Full - full power 1/2, 3/4 - quarter segments along the power meter (green/blue markers) (number)F - number frames to mishit by, from full power, a quarter segment or from the sweetspot (each mark along the power meter is a frame, each quarter segment is 15 marks long)

-Lakitu (safer strats first)-

1L: (1W-P) T Full, 2F slice AB left - (7I) T Full, 1F slice

1L v2: (1W-P) T -1F, 2F slice AB left - (6I) T -1F, 1F slice BA (6I) T -2F, 1F slice (6I) T -4F, AA

1R: (1W-P) T Full, 1F slice AB right - (7I) T Full, 1F slice

1R v2: (1W-P) T -1F, AB right - (6I) all 3 same strats as left flag, see above!

2: [emu only, console = bad lie] (1W) T Full, AB 366 - (4I) T -2F, 1F slice AA 371 - (3I) T -4F, AA

alt 2 [faster]: (1W) T Full 1F hook AB 366 - (3I) T -4F, AB 371 - (3I) T, 1F slice BA

3: 139 - (6I) TR -2F, 1F hook AB 144 - (5I) T -3F, 1F slice BA

4: (1W) T Full, 1F slice 363 - (4W) T -1F, 2F hook AB 377 - (v4W) M -4F, AB

alt 4 [back flag]: (1W) T Full, 2F slice | T -1F, 2F slice AA 377 - (3W) T Full, 1F hook AB

6: (1W-P) T Full, 1F slice AB 381 - (3I) T -3F, AB 393 - (4W) T -3F

alt 6: (1W-P) T Full, 2F slice AB 381 - (3I) T -4F, AA 393 - (^1W) T +2F from 3/4, 1F hook AB [harder, reference advanced strat list]

7: 123 - (6I) T -3F rain: (6I) T -3F 144 - (4I) T -2F, 2F hook AB rain: (4I) T -1F, 3F hook AA

8: (1W) T -2F, AA 354 - (3I) M Full or T -1F, 2F hook AB 356 - (3I-P) T -6F (this also works with teeshot -3F, AB)

  • ±% on the teeshot -> for -1%, do AB instead of AA. for +1%, do no spin. These alts will have a 50% or so success rate on the above strats.

10: (1W) T Full, BB 358 - (^1W) T 3/4 or +1F of 3/4, AB [harder strat] 363 - (3I) T Full, 1F slice

11: (1W) T Full, 1F hook AB 317 - (7I) T -2F, 3F slice AB [+1% 2F slice AA] 330 - (5I) T -4F, AB

alt 11: (1W) T Full, 2F hook AB 317 - (^3I) T -7F, 2F slice [harder, reference advance strat list] 330 - (5I) T -3F, AB

12: 157 - (v4I-P) TR -3F, 2F slice AB 166 - (v4I-P) M -2F, 1F slice

14M: (1W-P) TR -1F, 1F hook mid - (1W-P) T -6F, 1F slice

14R: (1W-P) TR Full, 1F hook right - (1W-P) T -3F, 1F hook AA

alt 14 [midflag]: (1W-P) TR -1F, AB mid - (3W) T Full, 1F slice

  • works with -1% full teeshot, if accidentally overhit

alt 14 v2 [midflag]: (1W-P) TR Full, BB mid - (1W) T -1F, 1F slice AA

15: (1W-P) T -1F, BA 313 - (8I-P) TR -3F, 1F hook, or TR -5F 317 - (8I) T Full, 1F hook BA

16: mid - (8I) T -5F, 1F slice AB rain: (8I) T -4F, 1F slice AB right - (8I) T -4F, AA rain: x

18: (1W) T Full, 1F hook BA 299 - (7I) T -2F 306 - (6I) T -2F, 1F slice

Here is a video playlist ( ) outlining the "easier" strats above, and it may include more alternative strats not listed. They are generally a list of strats that do not require you to club up in addition to making a double frame perfect shot. For the faster strat alternatives on some holes, continue on below.

1 [fastest]: (1W-P) T Full, AB left - (^1W-P) T +2F from 1/2, 1F slice AB if teeshot -1F: (^3I) T +3F from 3/4, AB if teeshot 1F slice: (^4I) T +3F from 3/4, 1F hook AB right - (^1W) T +7F from 1/2, 1F hook BA or: (^3W) T -3F from 3/4, 2F hook AA if you miss the driver if teeshot -1F: (6I) T -1F, 1F slice if teeshot -1F, 1F slice: (6I) T -2F, 1F slice OR (6I) T -1F, 1F slice BA

2 [fastest]: (1W) T Full AA 366 - (^1W) T -3F from 3/4 if teeshot -1F: (^1W) T -3F from 3/4, 1F slice BA 371 - (^1W) T -2F from 3/4, BB

alt 2 [fastest for missed full power teeshot]: (1W) T -1F, 1F hook AB 366 - (^1W) T -2F from 3/4, AA 371 - (^1W) T +1F from 3/4, BB

3 [fastest]: 139 - (^1W) TR +1F from 1/2, 2F hook AB (+1% = 1F hook, no spin) or: TR 1/2, 1F hook AA rain: T -1F from 1/2, 1F hook 144 - (^1W) TR +2F from 1/2, AB or: TL +3F from 1/2, 1F hook rain: TR +2F from 1/2, 4F slice; TL +3F from 1/2, 2F hook A/BB

4 [front flag]: (1W) T -1F, 1F hook AA 363 - (^1W) T -5F, AB

alt 4 [back flag]: (1W) T Full, 2F slice | T -1F, 2F slice AA 377 - (3W) T Full, 1F hook AB

alt 6: (1W-P) T Full, 2F slice AB 381 - (3I) T -4F, AA 393 - (^1W) T +2F from 3/4, 1F hook AB

  • use this in conjunction with the other strat for teeshot safety—either 1F or 2F slice on teeshot gives eagle strats!

alt 7 [fastest]: 123 - (^1W) T +6F from 1/2, 1F hook AA rain: T +4F from 1/2, 1F slice BB 144 - (^1W) T +1F from 3/4, 2F hook AB rain: T +1F from 3/4, 3F hook AB [same strat, 1 more hook]

8: (1W) T -2F, AA 354 - (3I) M Full or T -1F, 2F hook AB 356 - (3I-P) T -6F (this also works with teeshot -3F, AB)

  • ±% on the teeshot -> for -1%, do AB instead of AA. for +1%, do no spin. These alts will have a 50% or so success rate on the above strats.

alt 10 [for front flag]: 358 teeshot => 2nd shot: 1F hook BB => (1W) +2F 3/4 AA -1F => (1W) +1F 3/4 AB 1F slice BB => (1W) +1F 3/4 AA

11: (1W) T Full, 1F hook AB 317 - (^3I) T +2F from 3/4, BA [alt to the 7I strat] 330 - (5I) T -4F, AB

alt 11: (1W) T Full, 2F hook AB 317 - (^3I) T -7F, 2F slice 330 - (5I) T -3F, AB

  • Like hole 6, use this teeshot in conjunction with the other strat—either 1F or 2F hook gives eagle strats!

11 [teeshot alt if missed full power]: (1W) T -1F, 2F hook AA 317 - (^3I) T -7F, 2F slice (BB opt) or: (^4W) T +1F from 3/4, 2F slice BB/BA [I don't recommend this one, different amount of club switching between pin locations] 330 - (^3W) T +2F from 3/4, 1F slice BB

12 [fastest]: 163 - (^1W) T 3/4, 1F hook AA rain: x 166 - (^1W) TL +2/3F from 3/4, 2F hook AA rain: T (with slight fade) -1F from 3/4, AB

alt 14 v2 [midflag]: (1W-P) TR Full, BB mid - (1W) T -1F, 1F slice AA

15: do a half second pan to the right, then: (1W-P) TR Full, AB. You can choose how to do your second shot, a punch shot or another TR shot with topspin will work decently.

16 [fastest]: mid - (^4I) T -2F from 3/4, 1F slice BB or: (^3I) T -7F from 3/4, 2F slice rain: (^4I) T -4F from 3/4, 2F slice right - (^4I) T -1F from 3/4, 1F slice or: (^3I) TR -4F from 3/4, 2F slice (BB opt) rain: x

  • on both of these pins, I do not recommend the 3I strats as they are more difficult and have little to no return over the 4I strats.

18: do a quarter second pan to the right and hit a 1W @ 3/4 power, top impact, into the rough. The second shot will be a 3W to the green and difficult to control with RNG, but if done well, will always save 2-4 seconds.

Last updated: 9/15/21

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Minnesota, USA


1: best drive hole

2: 325 - 327 -

3: front - (4W) T -2F, BB back - nudge right; (^1W) T +6F from 3/4, AA

5: (1W-P) T Full 352 - (^1W) T +3F from 3/4, 1F slice 357 - (^1W) T +4F from 3/4, AA; T +5F from 3/4, 1F slice BA

6: do a half second pan to the right, hit 1W or 1W-P into rough

7: both pins - (^1W) T -1F from 3/4, 1F hook

8R: (1W-P) T Full, AA 338 - (^5I) T 3/4, 3F slice AB; (^1W) T -1F from 1/2, 3F slice AA 8B: (1W-P) T Full, AB 354 - (6I) T -3F

10: (1W-P) TL Full, AA 396 - (3W) T Full 403 -

11: front - (3W) T Full back - (1W) M Full

12: 366 - 378 -

14: ? 369 - 371 -

15: left - (3I) T -2F, BA; M -3F, 1F slice BA right - (4I) T Full, 1F hook

16: 375 - 382 -

18: (1W) T -1F [sweetspot OR 1F slice, both strats work with either teeshot!] 356 - (3W) T Full, 1F hook AA 361 - (1W) M -3F, 1F slice


17: left (183) - (3I) M -1F, BA


11: frontmost (170) - (^1W) T 3/4, 1F hook BA back left (176) - x back middle (176) - (^1W) T +2F from 3/4, 1F hook AB


17: back (176) - (6I) T -1F, 1F slice BA

Last updated: 5/29/21 Thanks to Spyfox26, Davidpiano and others for strat finding!

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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