Please do not give false race requests and can tell what version of the game you have and why you cannot update the game.
Now in versions 5.0.0 it is now impossible to sit on very old versions (only older than these versions are fashionable) of the game because it asks to update the game, but if you have it, then why can’t you update the game through Google play, and even if the content is not in beta testers, why not become one in the same Google play at the very bottom
Go to Google play in the search, write magic Rampage and it should write update there, but if it opens, then delete the game and reinstall it again and then try to go there
you mean in a speedrun com on Magic Rampage then you need a reason to become a moderator and until I finish everything here then I won’t add other moderators, but if you meant in the game itself or in the community in the game then I don’t know.