Super Mod and Regular Mod Voting Thread (Serious Discussion #3)
8 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

I like this idea, Jared, other than that we shouldn't have to ask officials to remove/add mods whenever theres a need. If we just had 1 mod who was sane enough to understand their only right is to add/remove mods after discussion then it could work.

MakS54 likes this
Georgia, USA

Let's do what Jared said, he's right. We don't need super mods when regular mods can literally do the exact same thing. If it comes down to a 50/50 decision, then the mods should come together to have the final say. There's truly not a need for a super mod.

MakS54 and KingRedEagle like this
United States
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Super Mod:

GC4ever4001: Took initiative and rallied everyone together to make changes. Definitely has a level head and won't make immediate quick decisions without community input.

Tozino: I see him online every day with few exceptions. I also hear that he was super mod before, and I can definitely see him being able to handle it.

Sarcrai: Kept a level head after the removal of USB loader times, and took his own WR down. Takes a pretty great person to do this, should be a no-brainer.


TheOfficialSkozzy: Isn't afraid to speak out against bullshit, yet he has done it with professionalism, something thats hard to come by.

Nimbus: Knows LM very well and has been a very reasonable voice within discussions.

MakS54 and Jets2121 like this
Florida, USA

For those who have not looked yet, please check the first post as there has been a change. Please adjust your post accordingly. Thanks.

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Navarre, Spain


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Regular Mods TheOfficialSkozzy- actually knows the rules of a category and is very active in the community

GameIT_ES- runs the game a lot and is extremely active in the community

Super Mod GC4ever4001- ¤ very active ¤ runs a lot ¤ nice dude ¤ cute butt ¤ friends with almost if not all people in the community ¤ actually knows the rules to the categories

MakS54 likes this
North Carolina, USA

Supermod: Gc4ever, because why not? Everyone else who is voting for him explains everything he is and can do for the community. Helpful, leadership, and allaround a great guy!

Mods: Skozzy, great guy, knows his stuff, and isnt afraid to speak his mind about what he thinks is right or wrong.

Death Johnson, nothing else to say lol, he knows his stuff and is batman so why not :) Great guy too.

Chorus4 and MakS54 like this
United States

Super Mod:

SirNimbus - Sadly it seems like all he does for this community is unnoticed. Super into the game, alot of knowledge, down to earth awesome guy with the ability to leave bias out of the question. Would be a great person for a position like this, people just seem to forget about his contributions. GC - From what I have seen super respectable and open minded which is what we need as a community. Would be the mediator, if that makes sense, being able to take into account all views. Also his global reputation helps to keep him accountable. Sarcrai - Doesn't really need an explanation. Amazing person. Extremely trustworthy. One of the biggest faces of the LM community aswell as being as friendly as he is will allow new runners to feel comfortable with someone like him being in command.

Regular Mods: I don't see a need for more regular mods if super mods are in the picture. I believe the mods we have currently are enough.

MakS54 likes this

I agree with Jared, I vote no supermods. I rather we settle things as a community and not just rely on one supermod for the "final say" (I'm aware that it wouldn't be just for that, but having normal mods is suffice). I think we are mature enough to construct civil, creative discussion and agree to disagree.

I vote GC for mod, he's active in the community and has been tackling different kinds of concerns throughout the boards. He doesn't start drama and is good at stopping it when it arises.

No one is special, despite what you have been told ;)


MakS54 likes this
Massachusetts, USA

Having the one supermod is so that we don't have to bother staff every time we have an issue, they will not be a dictator.

MakS54 and KingRedEagle like this

That makes sense, but I'll still pass on voting for a supermod, I'll let the others decide on that.

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Minnesota, USA

Is it possible to have a super-mod that is less of the final say on matters and just have the responsiblity of removing or adding mods if we need? Then, it would be similar to Jared's idea where we basically have no super-mod, we're just using them so we don't need to ask the staff like Skozzy said. What I'm meaning is, have a super-mod, but their opinion matters as much as all mods and members.

MakS54 likes this
Massachusetts, USA

That's what we just decided on

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Florida, USA

To clarify, having a super mod is not a power thing. It's to help maintain the community, and keep the leaderboards clean. This person isn't going to have any more power than any other person, neither does a mod.

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United States
Deleted by the author
Minnesota, USA

Since I haven't actually cast my vote yet, I'll do that now.

I vote GC for Super-Mod. He has taken on some of the questions here and kept a cool head while he found the best way to organize and get everyone's opinion. He runs the game and takes time to visit other people's runs. He's such a kind man. I think if anyone should be Super-Mod, it should be him.

MakS54 likes this

Super mod - GC Like everyone said, he has been handling it well everything.

Mod - Nimbus and Javi (GameIT_ES)

Obviously nimbus is knowledgable about LM, and Javi is great with community, also it would be nice addition the native speaker spanish.

MakS54 likes this
Florida, USA


Thank you everyone that took part, even through the confusion. I'll tally things up here. For clarification, for those who didn't edit their super mod posts, I will be taking the first name that they listed as the vote. If someone did not get super mod and is eligible for mod, those super mod votes will be moved down to regular mod votes. That being said, here we go. (Also eddy, you don't have a run of the game on the leaderboard so I'm not counting you, appreciate the effort though <3)

Super Mod Votes:

  1. Gc4ever4001 - 12
  2. JaredsGiantz - 3
  3. Sarcrai - 2
  4. TheOfficialSkozzy - 1
  5. Smoof - 1
  6. Nimbus - 1

So it looks like I'll be a super mod (and I double checked to make sure that I didn't win the vote based on a technicality from rule changes and the person most affected was probably Jared by about 3 votes-ish, so it's all good there). Time to roll down the extra votes from super mod (It looks like only Skozzy and Nimbus will be affected) to regular mod as well.

Mod Votes:

  1. Nimbus - 9
  2. TheOfficialSkozzy - 7
  3. DeathJohnson - 6
  4. Javi (Gameit_ES) - 4
  5. MastahBobby - 3
  6. OfficialGlitchDoctor - 2
  7. PurpleGhostKasper - 1
  8. A2Rhombus - 1

That being all said and done, it looks like Nimbus and Skozzy will be our new regular mods to replace Veman and Linkus. Thank you all for participating, I'll contact Kirkq and we'll get the ball rolling on these changes.

MakS54 and KingRedEagle like this
New York, USA

Justice for Deathjohnson. :(

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