A couple of questions
4 years ago
Utah, USA
  1. Are runs with no sound allowed?
  2. If I'm using an NES classic I can play with a SNES classic controller, right?
KilleDragon likes this
United States
  1. Depends on if the runner can be trusted, as far as I know
  2. Any controller that doesn't make inputs that are impossible on an NES controller possible to do should be fine
Edited by the author 4 years ago
mruns and KilleDragon like this

*no left+right

sam1370 and KilleDragon like this
United States

Edited post. Thanks

mruns and KilleDragon like this
Utah, USA

Okay. I was wondering about the sound because I have no way of directly recording my TV screen and have no quiet recording area

KilleDragon likes this

Well if you don't have a quiet place, I recommend getting a capture card

Edited by the author 4 years ago
KilleDragon likes this
Oklahoma, USA

The GV-USB2 is $35 on Amazon and works great for capturing sound for use in a program like OBS from the NES console.

iBall1, KilleDragon and 3 others like this
Utah, USA

NES Classic or the original NES? I have a classic

KilleDragon likes this
Oklahoma, USA

aah yeah, not the classic - gv-usb2 works with component cables or svideo

KilleDragon likes this
United Kingdom

NES classic is hdmi, right? Elgato make very good quality capture cards that support hdmi, although they can be fairly pricey. The Elgato HD60S in particular is a card that many people use for this, and I can recommend their products from my experience with them.

Neeberz and KilleDragon like this

yeah the only problem would be that they are pricey unless, you are willing to spend that much on a capture card

Edited by the author 4 years ago
KilleDragon likes this
Utah, USA

Do you need a capture card slot on the console, the tv or a HDMI port on the tv?

KilleDragon likes this

When I speedran some of my games on the NES classsic, my set up was a bit terrible but i'll put it here. I bough a hdmi splitter and of the two ends, one goes into a hdmi downscaler into av where it connected to an ezcap capture card. The other end went to my monitor. So around 13 dollars for a bad, but not too unviable set up.

mruns, Neeberz, and KilleDragon like this
Utah, USA

Ok. If I ever feel like I want to submit some runs, I have lots of options now. :)

KilleDragon likes this
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Requirements for High-Level Any% Runs

Any% (NTSC) runs below 4:57.000 must now fulfill additional requirements in order to be verified.

  • The run's full session must be included in the submission description.
  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
1 year ago