Pre 1.9 stronghold Generation
2 years ago
Tyrol, Austria

How do strongholds generate in pre 1.9 I Know that theres only 3 per world but how far are they from the center of the world

South Korea


there are 2 close strongholds and one far one, which are around 900-1100 and 1200-1400 blocks respectively

of course, this is just the average. there are hardly ever any strongholds farther than this, but there is a high chance of a closer stronghold than 1k blocks away

leto_saa and AlexIsCool like this

In pre 1.9 strongholds generate 640-1152 blocks away from (7,84) (this is because of biome snapping). There are only three and they are 120 degrees from each other. All random distances.

energy9802 likes this
New York, USA

bedrock moment

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Ninjabrain-Bot v1.5.1

Changed version in Ninjabrain-bot resource:

  • [Ninjabrain1] (up to v1.5.1)

Ensure measurements are still accurate after updating, especially with regards to tall resolutions/boat measurements - read the changelog

1 month ago