7 years ago
Oregon, USA

Howdy! I see the old noclip post about a skype group but I imagine that more of us are using discord these days, yeah? I just set a channel up for Wingame speedruns:


That's a perma invite link so it should be fine. If you're not already on discord, it's a great piece of software and you should check it out! One of the things I'd like to get done for this in the near future would be a Now Live bot, like the VVVVVV discord channel has.

ZZKer, MarioBataliJr, and turnipp like this
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Yolo Category Extension

Due to new runs from new runners, a Yolo subcategory has been added to 100%, Extra Spicy any%, and Extra Spicy 100%. Yolo any% will remain as a separate category (as opposed to subcategory) for now since I'm unsure how to merge it without having to copy all runs by hand. Let me know what you think i

2 years ago