Let's admit I submit a 12 hours run for RE2...
6 years ago
Castilla y León, Spain

I meant "assume" and not "admit"... I spoke French in a English sentence...

What would you do ? I'm not trying to do that, I'm wondering, as a mod, if it would be wise to refuse a run because the person didn't even try to go fast.

Should I refuse, let's say, a 12 hours run for Resident Evil 2 remake ? (people take between 54 to 1h30 to beat it) (also, I'm using RE2 as an example)

Would you refuse such run ?

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Dracaarys and kadiwa like this
United States

If it is a popular game like Resident Evil 2 in a popular category like Any% with dozens of pretty good submissions maybe try to explain the easy major time saves and ask them to re-submit. If it is an obscure game any kind of non-cheated submission should just get a pass IMO.

Dracaarys likes this
United States

Is it the fastest you can do right now?

If so then I see no reason why you shouldn't submit, and no reason why a mod would reject it. As a mod, for all you know, this is fast for them.

Imaproshaman and EmeraldAly like this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Game beaten with timer going = speedrun. I could give a fuck less if it's a good or bad run. The one exception (and I don't think this would be applicable to a game like RE2) is if you get a game-over screen that means you have to start the entire game anew. I think some of the "memier" runs on a board like SMB1 have done that to bloat their times, but in that case, I'd say take the time from start to finish of the successful attempt.


I had to submit a time by RacingMonster, the run was awful surprised it even finished. He did not know how the game worked, didn't use the right items at the start but it wasn't cheated so I had no choice.


Verify it. It's not up to you to decide whether it's a "real" speedrun or not. They submitted it, they think it's a speedrun, so it is one, even if it's "bad". There's absolutely no harm in having a really long run at the bottom of the leaderboard (especially in a game that popular it'll get burried pretty quickly I imagine).

Imaproshaman and EmeraldAly like this
Castilla y León, Spain

I've spoken to the few guys involved in my leaderboard and they all have the same opinion : I should allow it. Thanks guys ! So far, 100% of people gave me the same answer, you've just made my decision easier to make.


There is one factor people aren't mentioning. It is very subjective, but for most games it is possible to make that judgement. If the person made an effort to actually speedrun then it is acceptable even if it is slow, but if they didn't then I have no guilt in rejecting it.

Imaproshaman, MASH, and xDrHellx like this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

So.....I see the board in question. Can I make a little suggestion -- don't abbreviate "Japanese" (or "Japan," whatever it is) that way. The abbreviation you have is an extremely offensive racial slur, right up there with the N-word or the K-word (for Jewish people). You'll notice when the site itself needs to abbreviate "Japanese" it uses JPN.


Extremely offensive? I get that the context is that people used it in a derogatory way, but it is still literally the first three letters of the word Japanese. Like come on...


Lmao, oh no! Of all the things to slide in and mention. Pretty sure the equivalent for the "N-word" in Japan actually starts with the letter "N" and not "J" anyways.

I checked both the OG leaderboard and the remake and didn't see such an abbreviation anyways??

Edited by the author 6 years ago

It's the equivalent of submitting a let's play. The mods might be willing to accept it, but should you be submitting it?

Castilla y León, Spain

"but should you be submitting it?" IMO, no. But I'm a mod, I don't control whether someone decides to submit such a huge time or not.

As a reminder, I used RE2 as an example. I beat it in 4h37 in my first playthrough and even that I wouldn't submit. I used it because I know how long it takes to beat it and because you probably know too.

I spoke to the ENTIRE community of Blue Stinger (so... 3 people) and they have all agreed to accept any time, even ludicrously long times. I'll know for the next time, democracy ruins everything ^-^


Mob rule ruins everything, not necessarily democracy.

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago


Jap [jap] | SEE MORE SYNONYMS FOR Jap ON THESAURUS.COM adjective, noun Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a Japanese person.

Your call at the end of the day (obviously). But that's what it means. If you don't care, then you do you.


I'm not sure I've even see the abbreviation you're talking about on either RE2 board. That and I don't think anyone has used that abbreviation in a derogatory way in 60 years.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

As the OP has said repeatedly, RE2 was a hypothetical example. They mod one board, which is not RE2.

You're free to believe anything you want, of course, but I think the dictionary is about as objective as we're gonna get.

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Anyway, I made my suggestion and gave the basis for it. That's all I need to/will say.


I'm not sure I agree with that. Obviously I understand the point you're driving at, but you can certainly still be aiming for a fast completion whilst playing the game blind. What if you're racing with someone? In a blind race you may not have any knowledge of the game mechanics or route, but your objective is still to finish before the other participant(s), and by extension, as fast as you can manage.

Seydie likes this

That is exactly the aforementioned line though, so it counts. And honestly people who do that probably still won't submit until they do a bit more research and another run.