Stair Skating using the Analogue Stick
8 years ago
California, USA

I honestly feel like door skip serves no purpose here.

Florida, USA

We're talking about creating a different category that you don't have to participate in, crazy. But we can agree to disagree on opinions.

I don't think anybody else is going to vote to ban stairskating though.

United Kingdom

Ankoku does have a valid point. What was a discussion of the legitimacy of analogue stair skating has somehow ended in a vote over whether to reinstate the door skip categories or not. The result is that people who did not disagree in principle with the use of analogue stair skating in the standard categories are now effectively voting in the opposite direction, i.e. that the technique should be prohibited in the standard categories and instead permitted only in the new category. I just hope that the people who are voting for option 3 are aware that they may be inadvertently voting for option 1.


Choices are offered to you, nobody is being forced to vote for a choice in particular. Please vote according to your preference.

As a reminder, those are the choices offered to you for the vote:

  1. Do not allow remapping of any kind, or any other modifications implying a 3rd party software. (other than being able to "plug" the controller. People are already using the PS4 controller with InputMapper, I don't wanna take that away from them.)

  2. Allow remapping in the current categories (PC and console), but only 1 input per button (which makes Zeroth's method ok as the stick in the released position can be considered a button). Turbo and macros still not allowed.

  3. Do not allow remapping of any kind in the current categories but recreate the "door skip" categories and allow remapping in this category. Turbo and macros still not allowed. (New category will be PC only. I understand the Elite Xbone controller is coming out, but several players have reported the Xbone version being slower than the PS4 one anyway)

Please note that option #2 allows remapping in the current existing categories, while option #3 does not. I'm trusting everybody understood that.

I will repeat this again because it seems it wasn't clear enough. The views reflected in my posts were MY views alone and did not necessarily reflect the views of the other moderators. Hence why I kept saying I wanted to hear the other mods opinion. I said in my very first post "it sounds like cheating" which I admitted already was a poor choice of word and apologized for already several times. Zeroth already said he didn't take offense in my words which I'm trusting is true.

If people have issues with the way I handle things (like the fact I chose to delete the previous post), feel free to PM me on twitch. Or even, feel free to go complain about me to the other mods and they can see fit whether I still deserve modship or not.

I would appreciate if this thread stayed focused on discussing the matter at end (i.e. allowing remapping) rather than criticizing the mods of this leaderboard.

Thank you all for your cooperation.


well this "discussion" has progressed slightly. i think its pointless for people who do not run this game to pitch in (i am not hating on you guys in any way shape or form) but this should just be a simple fair discussion that hopefully will resolve this. Lileya Pessimism Jayboneelite CursedToast Zeroth and myself included and also any other runners who run this game and anyone else interested in running this game should pitch in more but as the names i have mentioned have put across fair points and its a shame to see others not pitching in lileya has put up a fair vote that in my opinion not many have voted which i urge every runner to do as it will allow lileya and other mods to see your views and discuss how to possibly create or not create a new section in the categorys. but the original discussion has evolved into something else the original discussion was regarding zeroth asking others on their views on his new method of "stair skating" and yet few have put their points across lets try and keep to that first then move onto the next thing which im guessing would be door skip for the pc runners. but again this is my opinion now im going to pay more attention to my cookie and decide on what to vote for :)

United States

I vote for option 3 since it may encourage more people to run this game and allows for people a chance to utilize the alternate stair skate method still. It's better than having a glitchless category which in my opinion is a terrible idea considering REmake doesn't even have any groundbreaking game skips along the lines of RE Classic. The only glitches I can possibly think of are the Armor Key and Bee skip glitch, but they're not even viable in a run. So, there's simply not a good reason to establish such a board here. Can you imagine if we had to implement that and door skip together? It'd be a cluttered mess than it already is. BrokeBack

I understand completely how tedious stair skating is on this game and how it affects your runs. But, there's a lot more that goes into a REmake run than stair skating. It's a shame that aspect of the game deters people from running it; however, I myself get burned out quickly on this game due to the progression of it. I know people that can say the same regardless if they run REmake or not. It's more important to focus on your overall performance and consistency than to fret over an exploit in-game. If anything, blame Capcom for completely overlooking stair skating and making it worse with the updated release.

I'm all for the reinstating of door skip as long as activity can maintained. The more interest in it, the better :)


it is unfortunate that pc "inferior race" :p gets all the door skips and all the other bits and pieces and yet console is left out :( either way the only thing here is that pc as usual gets the attention of such things anyway my vote is me i vote for a shadow category nah just kidding but i vote for #3 but still it only applies to the "inferior race" :)


That's true that console runners are much cooler than PC runners! D;

Nothing like having to put up with slower menu and cutscenes loading! Kappa

Votes so far :

1 : 1 vote 2 : 0 3 : 7 votes

I put Crazyboynph under choice #1 as it seemed the closest to what he desires. But if that doesn't reflect your choice Crazyboynph, let me know and I'll change your vote. :)

Thank you guys for your participation. I will still wait until Dec 15th to make the changes.

Hopefully more people will come forth to vote until then!


of course console runners are the best! yeah lets hope other runners will come fourth and vote be a shame for them to miss out


hmm derps makes a fair point but he didnt vote derps cast your vote :)


I think it would be possible, because there is already an assigned key on the keyboard for "walk/run" without the need for a 3rd party software. The thing is though, which hand would you use to do this?! XD If I use my right thumb/index on the X (Xbone) or square (PS4) button, my left thumb on the d-pad, what hand/finger would I use for the keyboard?! I guess you could always use some weird uncomfortable position with only right hand on controller and left hand on keyboard, but I'm fine with my crappy stair skating atm! XD

And Derps, to be the Devil's advocate here, it's easy for you to say "don't play this game if you can't stair skate quickly", you can mash buttons like there's no tomorrow at some inhuman speed! :P

I will put Derps under choice #1.

#1: 2 votes #2: 0 vote #3: 7 votes

United States

Pretty sure pianists can mash faster than all of us combined. Not to mention they'd probably be capable of holding 2 different peripherals to play this game lol. Keepo

But, in all seriousness, I do hope option 3 remains active when it goes through. I don't really care much for the stair skating aspect of this game. For me, it would be a problem if the zombies on this game weren't as sporadic with their AI, the dogs took hit stun from the pistol and Black Tiger didn't kick everyone's butt. Then it would boil down to who the heck can skate the fastest on this game to get the best time DansGame

Florida, USA

I hear ya, Derps. And like I said to Zeroth it's rewarding to practice (at least IMO). I'm not on your tier, but I get where you're coming from and this is part of the reason why I thought there'd be a problem with this method in the first place when I first heard about it.

At the same time, I just don't care either way. If it allows more people to participate that might not be able to physically keep up (medical issues or older age, mind you) then let's just have a category for it. No harm, no foul.


I agree with FurryWulfz, it's not just practice, there's a physical predisposition to it. Let's face it, if I was a 5'7'' tall white male, chances are, I'm never gonna make it to the NBA no matter how "hard" I practice. I feel this is the same situation with stair skating. Maybe it has to do with muscle mass. I know I have next to no muscles and I struggle a lot with stair skating, it becomes extremely painful very quickly.

And as CursedToast mentioned, age might be another factor. I've been suffering from mild arthritis in my hands for a couple years now and stair skating is definitely not helping the matter. I quit speedrunning this game for a month and part of it was because my fingers had become too painful, to the point I had issues holding my mouse at work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about it, neither am I looking for a work around. I prefer to focus on execution (mine is still very poor, btw), and when my execution won't be enough to compensate for my lack of stair skating, then, oh well… Such is life.


ok stair skating is not a vast part of the run it does not matter if your stair skating is the fastest nor the slowest if your comfortable with your skating then great the whole run isnt about your stair skating its about the whole run just remember stair skating saves a maximum of a minute on a run depending on the category but its the execution of dodges menuing skating that will improve your overall run so i wouldnt be to bothered about it really.

RawDerps likes this

Just a reminder that you only have 3 more days to vote. If you haven't cast your vote yet, please do so! :)

The way things are going though, I'm gonna open that new Door Skip category on Wednesday allowing you to remap as well in this category.

Door Skips here I come.

xxshadowxbossxx likes this
United States

2 or 3 hz on stairskating is seriously negligible. What matters more is dodging and technique. That is 100% of everyone's time losses and I guarantee you that the person who has the best dodges is going to have the faster run than someone who stairskates at 15+Hz. Also, I've never heard of anyone going above 16Hz with one button. I don't think most controllers even poll higher than 20.

Even Mario 64 BLJs only require 8Hz, which is nothing.

Japanese players probably understand that mashing does in fact require a physical disposition (which I will agree with, absolutely, mashing is a physical limitation) and that is why Turbo is/was allowed in Japanese speedrunning communities; they only stopped because America and Europe said "no".

To corroborate, I have lost about 1-2 Hz since I started running REmake on Gamecube in like 2010. I used to be able to hit 12Hz but now I'd be lucky if I could hit 10.

Pennsylvania, USA

This is only for PC I assume? I’ve tried to remap on XB1 & PS4 but it doesn’t allow me to remap to a joy stick direction

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