Current WR run has zero audio. According to rules, shouldn't that invalidate the run?
3 years ago

The rules state that the game audio has to be CLEARLY heard, and also that if portions are muted, it's invalidated. This entire run has no audio, so it begs to question how it was actually "verified" to begin with?

This is a little discouraging, because I wanted to submit my runs, but I don't understand how something like this could slip through the cracks, unless people aren't actually verifying the runs and just saying they are.

Edit: For clarify sake, referring to PC Any%

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Looks like it got removed after I made this post, but I took a screenshot:

Now it's showing DrAlbarn's run as number 1, but previously it was number 2 and darkrayne0 was number 1:

Interestingly, if you're logged into the website, it is only showing DrAlbarn's run, but if you're NOT logged in, it shows both.

In fact, if you go to his YouTube and see the video, looks like someone else commented about there being no audio too:

So... Pretty big blunder to claim that the run was "verified" when this just makes it seem like it wasn't watched at all.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Ohio, USA

Mods are volunteers and are not infallible, so someone probably just made a mistake. I'm sure the verification queue is huge right now since the boards just opened, so they're probably rushing through to try to get caught up on all the submitted runs as quickly as they can. Mistakes happen. Looks like they fixed it pretty quickly after it was pointed out, though!

TheMrEnigma72 likes this

@Jason2890 , not trying to sound rude here, but, how would one "rush through" watching a video that's over an hour long? There is no time limit on getting these runs up, besides self-imposed ones, but it goes to show that the job isn't being done correctly. This was the "world record" run after all, and even that they couldn't be bothered to actually check if there was audio, which is written as a "must have" rule?

You're right, these are volunteers, and mistakes can certainly happen, but it makes it hard to believe anyone is actually watching them if something this big slipped through.

Prophetblack likes this
Ohio, USA

I can't vouch for what happened in this particular instance since I'm not a moderator for this game, but I can speculate. For one thing, there is a time limit on getting the runs verified. moderation rules typically gives a 21 day time limit for moderators to verify pending runs. My run that I submitted a couple day ago hasn't been verified yet, so I'm sure there's still quite a bit to sort through on their end.

It's quite possible that moderators for this game also happen to moderate other games. Different games have different requirements for submissions. Some games don't require in-game audio, some games require in-game audio only for times under a certain threshold, etc. Maybe the moderator that verified that run isn't completely familiar with all the rules for this particular game yet and missed the part where runs require in-game audio. I certainly wouldn't hold it against them for what was probably an honest mistake. After all, the boards just came up a few days ago and there are different rulesets for the many different categories (not to mention different rulesets between console/PC) so it's a lot to keep track of.

EDIT: Also, at quick glance there are already over 40 verified runs on the boards. If only one run slipped through the cracks (and was corrected within 30 minutes of being pointed out that there was an error in it) then I'd say that's pretty good.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
TheMrEnigma72 likes this

Given that it was corrected after this was posted, yeah that's a good thing. Maybe it sounds harsh, but the fact that it's brand new with new rules means that people should be EXTRA vigilant about verifying them. If people (in this case "maxylobes" as they are the one who verified) are spreading themselves too thin across multiple boards and multiple games, well, I mean...that's kind of on them. Like, just because a job is a volunteer job, doesn't mean that mistakes should be immediately forgiven.

Not to sound dramatic, but if I volunteer at multiple shelters, and start doing bad because I mix up rules, they're still gonna get rid of me, because there are rules for a reason?

Not saying that needs to happen, btw, just saying that "they mix up the rules because they are doing other stuff" isn't a very good look either. In fact, it's a pretty bad look. Not saying it's a perfect solution, but it would almost make more sense if people either 1) didn't spread themselves so thin, or 2) each run should be verified by 2 people (but i don't know if that's even possible, just saying).

Anyway, just food for thought. If we're to be taking these rules and everything seriously, runs definitely need to be watched, with audio on, and actually paying attention while having like the active rules up next to the video to make sure they aren't forgotten (because let's be real, if you're actually verifying runs, you can't be multitasking if you have to look out for cheating. So no reason to not have the rules up too).

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Ohio, USA

Maybe you can volunteer to be a run verifier? Message a mod and see if they want/need the additional assistance.

Colorado, USA

I think we just need to calm down shit happens and mistakes will happen the world is not going to end and im sure they will make sure it doesn't happen in the future its all good boys just go back to enjoying the game and just remember sometimes shit happens

DIABLERIE and Jason2890 like this
København, Denmark

All right! So first of all, glad someone pointed out the run, so we could get it removed ASAP, appreciate it. Now, to answer "how did this post get through?" There are multiple ways this could've happened.

  1. The video uploaded to youtube in the beginning could've been WITH audio to begin it, and maybe stripped due to whatever youtube felt like.
  2. The run could've been caught live by a mod at an earlier point and then get verified.
  3. Mistakes happen, we're humans and we got 100+ runs in queue atm. We're all trying our damnest to get through it as fast but as fair as possible.

Most imporant thing is that the run has been removed and the correct WR holder has been found atm.

Also please don't think this is gonna be the last time a mistake will ever happen, we're people with full time jobs mostly that do this in our spare time to help the community out, we're doing our best and giving it our all. These kinds can happen on any board in any game. (trust me i've seen it)

Xxcilo, LeonShredfield and 5 others like this

Thanks for the clarity! Just to clarify, these aren't "angry" posts or meant to read that way. Just trying to get a better understanding is all, and present, what I viewed, as a a potential flaw in the system. Thank you for taking the time to clarify things though.