Tower of Annoyingly Simple Trials
Tower of Anger
Tower of Madness
Tower of Hecc
Tower of Killjoys
Tower of Keyboard Yeeting
Tower of Stress
Tower of Screen Punching
Tower of Rage
Tower of Impossible Expectations
Citadel of Laptop Splitting
Tower of True Skill
Thanos Tower
Not Even A Tower
Maybe A Tower
Tower of Phone Snapping
Tower of Big Hole
Tower of Overcoming Hatred
Tower of Cold Hands
Tower of Falling and Failing
Tower of Traps
Tower of Deep Darkness
Tower of Shattered Dreams
Tower of Table Flipping
Tower of Eternal Suffering
Citadel of Wacky Strategy
Tower of Difficulty Chart
Tower of Funny Thoughts
Tower of Inverted Colours
Tower of Ancient Trickery
Tower of Deep Sighing
Tower of Fatness
Tower of Winning Every Run
Tower of Slight Inconvenience
Tower of Wall Hugging
Tower of Lotsa Damage
Tower of Despair
Citadel of Heights and Depths
Totally a Tower
Tower of Confusion
Tower of Spiralling Heights
Tower of Getting Gnomed
Tower of Terrible Mondays
Tower of Elysium
Tower of Linonophobia
Tower of Leaning Ledges
Will Be A Tower
Tower of Dust and Decay
Tower of Holy Flip
Citadel of Uneasiness
Tower of Oblivion
Tower of Nonsensical Platforms
Tower of Corrupted Nightmares
Tower of Inception
Tower of Nice Views
Tower of Getting Kinda Disappointed
Likely A Tower
Tower of Rigid Success
Tower of Downward Mobility
Tower of Obvious Chaos
Tower of Floral Fury
Tower of Extraordinary Adventures
Tower of Tokyo Heights
Tower of Glitching and Healing
Tower of Fractured Obstacles
Citadel of Contrasting Regions
Tower of Icy Blizzards
Tower of Frightening Nightmares
Tower of Friendly Jumps
Tower of Environmental Pain
Tower of Radiant Realms
Tower of Twisted Inquisition
Tower of A Depressing Future
Tower of Intense Solar Chaos
Tower of Dispersed Rooms
Tower of Flustering Sections
Fortunately Not A Tower
Tower of Niflheim
Citadel of Scythe Recognition
Tower of Strategic Mechanics
Tower of Impossible Movement
Tower of Zero Disturbances
Tower of Peaceful, Happiness and Tranquility
Tower of Atlantic Depths
Tower of Hands Sweating
Tower of Peace
Tower of Mirrored Hecc
Tower of Contractual Obligations
Tower of Yearning Success
Tower of Absolute Vexation
Tower of Wanting Extra Levels
Tower of Ultimately Terrifying
Tower of Extreme Dystopia
Tower of Really Nasty Ideas
Tower of Zespluz
Citadel of Peril
Tower of Thinning Layers
Tower of Buttons
Tower of Slanted Anticipation
Tower of Ground Level Ascension
Tower of Troublesome Adventures
Tower of Unearthed Discoveries
Tower of Dreams and Caverns
Tower of Pleasant Fantasies
Tower of Slipping and Sliding
Citadel of Green Stuff
Tower of Extraterrestrial Enchantment
Tower of Arcanium Zenturing
Tower of Triangular Terror
Tower of Great Displeasure
Tower of Chaotic Moments
Tower of Double Trouble
Tower of Rushed Building
Tower of Feeling Lazy
Tower of Collective Collaboration
Tower of Distorted Aerodynamics
Tower of Orientating Oscillating Opinions
Tower of Never Giving Up, Ever
Tower of Never Ending Dizziness
Tower of Ultraviolet
Citadel of True Exasperation
Tower of Yearning Victory
Tower of Extreme Hell
Tower of Terrifying Beauty
Tower of Elongated Runs
Tower of Six Feet Under
Tower of Overestimating Difficulty
Tower of Broken Bricks
Tower of Client Object Frenzy
Tower of Cracked, Crushed Cubes
Tower of Xanthophobia
Tower of Dimensional Hopping
Tower of Mild Agitation
Tower of Cogs and Steam
Tower of Requiring Critical Help
Citadel of Tricky Situations
Tower of Menacing Creations
Tower of Infuriating Obstacles
Tower of Quirky Contraptions
Tower of Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Tower of Hopeless Hell
Steeple of Biome Traversing
Steeple of Astounding Sorcery
Steeple of Atmospheric Powers
Steeple of Realm Odyssey
Steeple of Twisted Crystals
Steeple of Magical Elements
Steeple of Crystal Ascension
Steeple of Witch Calamity
Steeple of Magical Collaborations
Tower of Icy Adventures
Tower of Somewhat Simple Scaling
Tower of Needing Basic Aptitude
Tower of Voluminous Framework
Tower of Vibrant Adventures
Tower of Aamos' Anger
Citadel of Constant Heart Stopping
Tower of Uneasy Scaling
Tower of Insanely Innovative Ideas
Tower of Mean Tasks
Tower of Verdant Entropy
Tower of Suffering Outside
Tower of Externalizing Insanity
Tower of Generation Failure
Tower of Fairly Simple Challenges
Tower of Aquatic Contemplation
Tower of Fun and Simple Trials
Tower of Up Is Down
Tower of Wicked Wedges
Tower of Elevator Travelling
Tower of Pure Chroma
Tower of Mechanically Induced Mayhem
Tower of Shifting Slopes
Tower of Dance Dance Destruction
Tower of Funky Grooves
Tower of Tornado Vehemence
Citadel of Quadrilaterals
Tower of Inevitable Failure
Tower of Astronomically Aimless Annoyances
Steeple of Meaningless Decisions
Tower of Jolly Good Fun
Steeple of Fading Memories
Steeple of Pursuit
Steeple of Low Woe
Steeple of Uninstalling Roblox
Tower of Immense Ire
Steeple of Wall Punching
Tower of Versatility
Tower of Triangular Covering
Steeple of Climbing
Steeple of Huge Pain
Tower of Increasing Stress
Tower of Dangerous Expeditions
Citadel of Weird Nostalgia
Steeple of Towering Pillars
Tower of Mind Breaking
Tower of Great Overcomings
Tower of Beat Block Berserk
Tower of Questionable Trials
Citadel of Lethargy
Tower of Pastel Pillars
Tower of High Adrenaline
Tower of Bent Trauma
Tower of Curved Ascent
Tower of Frightening and Confusing Trials
Tower of Bloodthirsty Kenos
Tower of Nervous Sweating
Tower of Augmented Misery
Tower of Champion's Road
Tower of Cruel Punishment
Possibly A Tower
Steeple of Mystical Marine
Steeple of Abyssal Upturn
Steeple of Sunny Island Shenanigans
Steeple of Aquatic Rallies
Steeple of Desolate Isles
Steeple of Hallucinatory Spectacles
Tower of Cyclonic Isles
Steeple of Cliffside Falls
Steeple of Upright Cliffs
Tower of Traversing The Tropics
Steeple of Underlying Breezes
Steeple of Dusty Dunes
Tower of Sovereign Travelling
Tower of Super Stupid Security Systems
Tower of Fractal Volution
Tower of Bright Serenity
Tower of Stairs to Spare
Tower of Unhealthy Escalation
Tower of Heiwana Kaze
Tower of Horrifying Experiences
Tower of Guided Trials
Citadel of Corporate Enterprise
Tower of Anticlimactic Outcomes
Tower of Brutal and Bizarre Torment
Tower of Zany Architecture
Tower of Polychromatic Zero
Tower of Alien Radiance
Steeple of Beginner's Journey
Steeple of Devil's Snare
Steeple of Infectious Foliage
Steeple of Overgrowth
Steeple of Nightfall
Steeple of Overgrown Ascension
Steeple of Greenhouse Placidity
Steeple of Lost in Quiescence
Steeple of Feudal Foliage
Steeple of Various Vivariums
Steeple of Flourishing Wastelands
Steeple of Buoyant Automations
Tower of Perilous Antipode
Tower of Modernistic Design Choices
Tower of Xerically Infuriating Calamity
Tower of Vindictive Maneuvers
Was A Tower
Tower of Overthinking Life Choices
Tower of Shunning Excursion
Tower of Vacant Hindrances
Tower of The Roof's Pique
Tower of Eternal Void
Tower of Water Melon
Tower of Blind Fate
Tower of Spiraling Fates
Tower of Foreign Domains
Tower of Rock Climbing
Tower of Conflicting Frontiers
Tower of Break It, Buy It
Tower of Angled Scenery
Tower of Hefty Magnitude
Citadel of Twists and Weirdness
Tower of Hazardous Laddering
Tower of Watts
Tower of Astral Fusion
Tower of Massive Overheating
Tower of Brief Challenges
Tower of The Dripping Amalgam
Tower of Micro Management
Tower of Jazz
Tower of Rough Waters
Tower of Sweet Victory
Tower of Bygone Relic
Tower of Destructive Fever
Tower of Growing Madness
Tower of White Space
Tower of Cylindrical Extensions
Tower of Yore
Tower of Cone Mesh Climbing
Tower of Swift and Precise Sections
Tower of Uncontrollable Ire
Citadel of A Cruel Tale
Tower of Fractured Memories
Tower of Uncanny Agony
Tower of Excessive Weirdness
Tower of Two Sided Troubles
Tower of Losing Our Zeal
Citadel of Inside Situations
Tower of Diverging Layers
Tower of Odd Odyssey
Tower of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Tower of Compact Spaces
Tower of Triple Jeopardy
Tower of Tallying Every Mistake
Tower of Unsettling Heights
Tower of Melons In Time
Tower of Cosmic Tides
Tower of A Tetromino Disaster
Tower of X Madness
Tower of Galactic Voyage
Tower of Flame Restoration
Tower of One Nine
Tower of Never Ending Fun
Tower of Manic Lows
Citadel of Pyramid Escapades
Tower of Overbearing Vertigo
Tower of Time and Space Manipulation
Tower of No Return
Tower of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Tower of Astral Eclipse
Tower of Descent Into Exile
Steeple of Resort in Stasis
Tower of Ancestral Interference
Steeple of Ruinous Abate
Steeple of Descendance
Tower of There Is No Tower
Steeple of Guiding Lights
Steeple of Xenial Abyss
Steeple of Wicked Grotto
Tower of Shallow Waters
Steeple of Involuntary Isolation
Tower of Tenebrous Depths
Steeple of Malignant Blight
Steeple of Midnight Acropolis
Tower of Fruity Zeal
Tower of Viaduct Traversing
Tower of Corner Wedge Climbing
Tower of Wanting More Time
Tower of Whisking It All
Tower of Shadowy Radiance
Tower of Whirl of Winds
Tower of Largely Limited Luminance
Tower of Forever-Sleeping Flower
Tower of Climactic Beats
Tower of Mechanical Disarray
Tower of Rhythm Heaven
Tower of Wicked Fortress
Tower of Dusk to Dawn
Tower of Latest Sensation
Tower of Arrantly Bodeful Cavern Depths
Tower of Bonus Level
Tower of Sugar Rush Deluxe
Tower of Falling Up
Tower of Nothing New
Tower of Furious Chicken Brawl
Tower of Eye Candy
Citadel of Increasing Claustrophobia
Tower of Minus Facility
Tower of Big Blocky Beefy Buttons
Tower of Voyaging Into The Earth
Tower of Panelling Barricades
Tower of Hollow Reformations
Tower of Wildly Wacky Wonders
Tower of Empty Meaningless Patterns

Now that Roblox has added the option to change your FPS cap in the settings, speedrunning up to 240 FPS is now Allowed. Yippee !

To Be Clear: Memory writing below 60 FPS for things like lag clips is still not allowed cause that takes external software

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