How do I get started in SMB1 speedrunning?
6 months ago

I mean, I'm a noob. A TOTAL NOOB. A noob who can't even get a NES ROM without difficulty.

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PLEEEEEASE! Special thanks to anyone who can help me!

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United States

If you go on youtube look up kosmic how to speedrun super Mario bros it is a really good guide

vinkihuang, Aben, and Zanum like this
California, USA

For the rom, you'll have to google search for the rom yourself. As for the guide, you can find them in the guides tab on here for different tutorials.

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San Diego, CA, USA

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Requirements for High-Level Any% Runs

Any% (NTSC) runs below 4:57.000 must now fulfill additional requirements in order to be verified.

  • The run's full session must be included in the submission description.
  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
1 year ago
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