"Super Mario Console Series 100%" $100 Bounty
4 years ago
Basque Country

Just the first to beat it or for the one that got the best time? In all case, wow GG Almost the max of each one

United States

You lost me with not being allowed to pause the timer. Breath of the Wild 100% let RTA go to keep the category alive, so can the longer Mario categories, including this proposed one.

grntsz, IwerSonsch and 2 others like this
Basque Country

Some pause of time? Yeah, that should be very nice Come on we need to sleep, and until with a very optimal time of a realy good gamer (not sure) this is a category of normaly +70 hours If you want to we been 3 entirely days without sleep :)

If I do something like that some day being extremely long for more than 2 days, I should play max 18 hours per day, 6 hours a day out to sleep and go to the WC and those things, and inclusive for me to sleep 6 hours is realy low (and should be a bit less)

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Basque Country

So with the rule of not pause, with an optimal day and my rutine, I should do a run of 66 hours if im very lucky XD Great, nice, fantastic

North Carolina, USA

Not allowing the timer to pause seems really strange for something as long as this. I definitely think doing something like BotW where there are 2 8 hour sleep breaks allowed would make more sense. Allowing infinite breaks can be abused obviously but not allowing breaks at all just incentives risking someone's health because if they need to sleep they have to leave the timer running.

KilleDragon and Kat1128 like this

I don't know about this one, this could seriously harm people that try this unprepared ...

Oh_my_gourdness likes this
Basque Country

Yeah, try to do this can be extreme without preparation Now I can imagine a men trying to improvise this just after read the message to win the 100 dollars, and now being playing

Basque Country

Wait. They doesnt do it in Animal Crossing? What the f*ck the men that spend in it 60 hours without sleep dude! XD


You can compare the activity of BotW 100% to the activity of the 602 or 1862 though - BotW 100% is actively being run once or twice a week by some runners, while the 602 already only really happens twice a year, with the 1862 being even rarer. Secondly, BotW 100% introduced this rule when it was longer than the 1862 would have been, so the original move wasn't just "hey let's put breaks into a 20 hour category and see what happens" - the breaks made their way into shorter and shorter runs as the concept kept proving itself as a good way to make the category more active and competitive and allow for more optimized runs. In the end, the question we can ask is what does pausing the timer for sleep breaks accomplish, and what does it ruin? It accomplishes the competitive viability of a category, and especially viability for optimization. The more regularly runnable a category is made, the better the movement, routing, and strats for that category will be. BotW 100% consists to over 80% of movement and routing that no other, shorter category has, and so the primary purpose of the BotW 100% category is to optimize and execute those strats to push the time lower. One reason I can see the 602 and even longer variations of it going without timer-pausing sleep breaks is that this purpose is already sufficiently met by the corresponding single-game categories, with the mashup being much more of a stamina, consistency, and diversity run than an optimization for time like we see in the single-game category of BotW 100%. The "cost" is that it is less of an accomplishment to achieve any given time, because you were in a normal daily life condition and not worn out from 20-40 hours of speedruns and after either no or little amounts of sleep. It takes less stamina to run a 20 hour category over two days than it does on a one-day marathon. So for the 602, again, this rule gives the category something unique that separates it from the single-game categories, but for BotW this just isn't what the run is about

United States

One other thing to remember as well is that Breath of the Wild has like 3-4 active and regular runners now as well, as opposed to just 1 that was on the verge of quitting because the runs were actively causing health problems right before the rules were put in place. If you want a long run to be accessible to even a moderate audience, you need to accommodate them at some point and not just call other categories "pussies" that choose to make that bridge.

For example, I considered learning multi-Mario, but I'll be honest, as long as there's no sleep breaks, I'm out. I've got enough on my plate without ruining my sleep cycle. And on the flip side as a viewer as well, I hate watching no break runs because it's clear most people are miserable and making mistakes because they're struggling to focus. Those aren't a test of endurance after about 14 hours; they're a test of masochism.

IwerSonsch and KilleDragon like this
North Carolina, USA

Calling BotW runners "pussies" for having that rule is really fucking stupid. No reasonable person would run that consistently without sleep breaks because of how bad it is for a person's health. If you want people to run this which is way more obscure than BotW 100% then you need the same sleep rules or else no one is going to risk their health in that way. I'm honestly not sure why you felt the need to mention sleeping was allowed as long as the timer kept running. Any leaderboard does allow breaks as long as the timer keeps running, the point of sleep breaks is to allow the runners to stay healthy without punishing them timewise and discouraging them.

KilleDragon likes this
Washington, USA

The first problem with allowing pausing your timer for a sleep break is that it isn't how long it actually took you to beat it. Regardless of what's said, the timer on your screen does not reflect the time you actually took to beat it. The second problem is that pausing the timer can be abused unless you only allow for a set number of pauses. Unless there's an arbitrary pausing limit, it would be incredibly easy for someone to half-ass a "72 hour" run by just pausing 17 times. Both runners of the 1862 lasted almost 40 hours with no sleep breaks, so it's not crazy to say that one of them or any competent runner could knock it out in under 72 hours. It's only about 10-15 hours of gameplay longer. The allowance of at least two 8hr+ long sleep breaks is fairly lenient and opens the challenge up to a lot more people. Yes, it will most likely take a pretty big toll on whoever runs it regardless, but it's far from impossible for anyone that's determined enough. It's not meant to be a category with numerous runs like BotW hundo, it's supposed to be a tough challenge, which is why there's a bounty on it.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
KilleDragon likes this
North Carolina, USA

so the timer not reflecting how long it took should be a reason to sacrifice the health of the runners? Like I mentioned before 2 8 hour sleep breaks should be perfect for something like this similar to BotW hundo. It's very possible for a player to beat it with those 2 sleep breaks without risking anything health wise. It's still a tough challenge even with sleep breaks. No one who ran BotW hundo before the rule change thought "sleep breaks make it too easy." It's still multiple days you have to spend playing mario and almost nothing else. Also 40 hours is already really bad for a person but "only 10-15 hours longer" is absolutely ridiculous. going from a 602 to 1862 is already crazy but on top of that just expecting that someone will be able to just add another 10-15 hours onto that is absurd.

KilleDragon likes this
Washington, USA

Yes, I admit the timer not being accurate is a dumb reason to sacrifice health. I don't see the point in allowing for timer pauses if 1. this won't be a popular category anyways and 2. the goal is to beat the game in under 72 hours, so it would be fine if it was timed in RTA for accuracy reasons and it still allowing for sleep. Also yes, even at the time I understood that saying "Only 10-15 hours" seemed absurd, but I was comparing that to 40 hours of pretty much straight up gameplay. Another reason why I said that is that with sleep breaks it wouldn't feel as torturous and long as the 1862, so 10-15 hours wouldn't add to the needed endurance in that case.

KilleDragon likes this

Well @NateCC14, RTA isn't how long it actually took you either. Actually, it took the speedrunner months of learning, practice, and grinding to play through the game at the level of optimization that they did. Speedrunning is a recreational sport, and sleep breaks don't change that

Edited by the author 4 years ago
KilleDragon likes this
Washington, USA

@IwerSonsch, I never said that sleep breaks were bad. I just said that the timer should stay going if you choose to take them. I know that there's a lot of practice involved, but what I meant is how long the run itself takes. Of course it didn't take Kosmic five minutes to get the SMB1 record, but that's just a part of speedrunning. Your time will never reflect the time you put into the game.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
KilleDragon likes this
North Carolina, USA

the goal for the bounty doesn't have to affect the category rules. Those can be changed or not depending on what the person hosting the bounty does. A cash prize shouldn't affect a category but rather only incite interest. While I think the 72 hour limit should go down and take sleep breaks into account if it doesn't change it's not a valid reason to not allow sleep breaks on the category itself.

KilleDragon likes this
Washington, USA

Does the timer have to be paused for a sleep break though?

KilleDragon likes this

@NateCC14 The way I see it is that your speedrun PB reflects how long you have to play the game for in a single attempt in order to beat it. If you play the game for 10 hours, take a break for 14 hours, and then play the game for another 10 hours, then you've beaten the game by playing it for 20 hours

Edited by the author 4 years ago
KilleDragon likes this
Washington, USA

Fair enough, it definitely depends on the length of the speedrun, though.

KilleDragon likes this
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TA Breaks added for 602 and 1862

You can now submit runs to the 602 and 1862 leaderboards under the TA filter if you took breaks for sleep and paused the timer! Rules will be more in depth on the category pages on the leaderboard.

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