Not Sure What This Is?
6 years ago
Indiana, USA

I am studying the route for Claire A NG+ and as I was watching the record run I noticed something weird. Im not accusing the person for cheating it could be just something weird the game capture did but thought I'd point this out and see what others have to say.

20:05 28:42 (as well) As you see on the Sherry puzzles as soon as they put in the cube all of a sudden the whole puzzle changes and seems to "cut"

Edited by the author 6 years ago
tdans and SephJul like this
Pennsylvania, USA

oh wow that's really weird. I've definitely not seen it do that before.

Pennsylvania, USA

I just rewatched that part in several of my runs and it definitely has never done that. I thought maybe I had just never noticed but that's not the case.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

He probably paused. Checked the internet or his notes how to solve the puzzle and cuted it out.... If he just pauses for a short moment it would be obvious and people wouldnt have maked a fuzz about it. Just my guess for now. Japanese have difficult time following the rules, because the language barrier.

United Kingdom

^ Don't do this, just pause, people would make a fuss about a clear cut more.

Greater Manchester, England

Seems like a cut to me. Pretty sure that's not allowed.

Greater Manchester, England

Yeah, "runs must contain all footage".

Florida, USA

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The mods are discussing this right now. I'll post an update shortly.

tdans and SephJul like this
Greater Manchester, England

@mondomantra where as the time loss is neglegible, its still an edit. He could have loaded the game or something and just cut that out. It's unlikely he did, but the fact there's an edit means he could have done any number of things.

Pennsylvania, USA

The one at 28:42 seems like a really bad cut too. I wonder if they are somehow using the PS4's video capture instead of a capture card? I didn't think it let you record more than 15 minutes if you use the PS4's capture feature but I haven't used it in a while. Every time I've ever used that feature in the past, it skips parts like what we see in this video.

Pennsylvania, USA

Both of the cuts are so noticeable that it can't possibly be on purpose. Or maybe that's just what they want us to think? IDK it just seems like WAY too obvious.


Regardless of the intent it should be removed. His run is sub hour meaning he wouldn't have to cut and splice 2 halves of the run together due to the 1 hour recording limit.

Allowing this type of thing to stay on the boards opens the doors for a lot of abuse in the future.

Jayzorblade and SephJul like this

Cheating or not, it's impossible to proof so yes i think it should be removed Sorry if the runner didn't cheat but rules are rules.

Btw it's cool to notice to moderators that kind of thing cause even with very careful check, it's sometimes hard to notice that kind of stuff.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Jayzorblade likes this
United States

My footage doesnt mess up when my battery is low so that is very interesting to me

United Kingdom

Could be an intermittent / semi-random issue. If it can be replicated, even only for select individuals, it might be worth bringing to Sony's attention.

Greater Manchester, England

Wouldn't this be a known issue if that were the case? This isn't the first game to be speedrun on ps4