4-2 Vine Block Trigger Help Needed
5 years ago

Hi, I've just made a thread on another issue I'm facing (1-1 stairs) but I decided to ask for help this one in a separate thread as they are completely unrelated.

For some reason, I just can't get the timing for the jump from the elevator into the vine block in 4-2. I end up taking a lot of time to hit all the invisible blocks in order to access that vine block. Sometimes I even hit the wrong block, causing Mario to fall into the pit below the elevator.

Are there any good visual cues that I could use in order to figure out the timing for the jump, such as Mario's position on the elevator?

Thanks in advance :)

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Dolnośląskie, Poland

As I said in your previous thread, you have to work a muscle memory for a lot of things in this game.

Jumping from around 5th dot on the platform should do.

Wichita, KS, USA

You can learn the wrong warp. Takes a while to get used to but so much better in the longrun.

Lul_ecks_dee and garey. like this
Dolnośląskie, Poland

I wouldn't recommend learning the wrong warp now, because it's too hard for newer players. The way he does it now is good for beginners and doesn't lose time that would matter THAT much.

Novawolf likes this
Ohio, USA

You just have to jump at the very end of the orange platform. All that can be said.

California, USA

don't jump on the very end of the orange platform because mario will hit an invisible coin block instead.

Ohio, USA

Right. I forgot about that. Pretty funny when it happens.

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