How do you become a moderator?
7 years ago
Angus, Scotland

ask in the games fourm

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

The supermods add you


the users with red swords next to their names on the game page

Edited by the author 7 years ago

or you could DM the supermod, whichever (if the supermod checks the game forum that is)


tbh being a mod sucks, but someone has to do it


Direct message.

Essentially a private message on a site like Twitter, Twitch, Discord, etc.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I became a Mod, and dont even know how. I did a run of a Game that didnt have any, and know, pop, I'm the mod of that game

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

@WonderCookie did you request the game?


I got added as a mod because I'm the only one who runs a certain game series. As such, I am required to more or less compile all the information, make the rules and categories (which is actually relatively time consuming depending one what all the game requires), and if necessary (in my case it is) likely be the first person responsible for verifying any other runs on the game someone may submit in the future.

Additionally, since I'm the only mod, I would be pretty much responsible for designating other mods for verifying runs, updating or making categories, if anyone were ever want to do so. Since my name is the only Mod for the game, I'd expect I'd be the first to see any submission, and also that people will be DMing me about stuff and I may be required to address concerns and issues runners may be having with a game series.

I'm sure the highly populated games are even more complicated. So ideally, no, I'd rather not have to Mod a game; but as stated above, someone has to do it, especially if no one is doing for a game people are actively submitting runs for.


The primary jobs of a moderator include verifying runs, answering questions, setting up rules for the game/categories, adding new categories, and generally interfacing with the game's community as needed.

Verifying a run usually includes checking it for anything that might make it invalid. For runs that aren't a top time, that can just include checking the start and end points for correct timing and checking a few points in the middle for nothing out of the ordinary. For top times, you'll probably want to review the run fully and closer to make sure everything looks good. For some runs you can even frame count it to make sure the time is accurate if you think it's necessary.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


Woah, now! You are not getting ready for an important exam, calm down.

You actually need to be a mod to actually understand what you need to do. When I first got added as a mod, I added some good categories (like Any%, 100% etc.), I added the Restrictions, Requirements, Timing Rules, etc. to the rules and it turned out good.

Next, I searched the web for some good cover and a background (which is optional) for the game.

After some time, I messed around with the variables/subcategories option, trying to figure out how it works. And I finally understood and figured everything out!

As you see, being a good mod takes a little while, but it is worth it!

Ok, now I can stop writing, phew!

East Sussex, England
Any/All, He/Him
7 years ago

If someone moderates a game but they never run it, would I be able to apply for mod and take over?

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

No! You can apply if they are inactive, though.

And why do you want mod status directly? You don't even have any runs.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
East Sussex, England
Any/All, He/Him
7 years ago

I run the unofficial speedrunning community inside the game and submitted two runs quite recently. At the time of your comment, I was editing a speedrun video of the entire game. I don't know if they're inactive as the most recent runs were about 2 weeks ago. Secondary question, is this the supermod logo?

Edited by the author 7 years ago

To the secondary question - yes, red sword is super mod. Green sword is regular mod, gold sword is full mod.

East Sussex, England
Any/All, He/Him
7 years ago

What's the difference between full and regular?


Regular and super mods are limited to specific games or series. Full mods moderate the entire site.

Pear, Corsaka, and HowDenKing like this
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


No! You are so wrong.

I'll list from strongest to weakest: Admin>Full Mod>Super Mod>Regular Mod

Admin has the full control of the entire site (obviously). Full Mod is like an assistent of Admin (I dont have a good definition for full mod). Super Mod moderates games/series they are added as and they can add other users as mods. Regular Mod is the same as Super Mod, but can't add other users as a mod.


I know all that. Fullmods are essentially sitewide moderators in a more general sense of the word, so I wasn't completely incorrect, but yeah I'll admit that my explanation was kinda broad.

Other than that, saying regular mods and supermods were limited to certain games was accurate, I just didn't go into much detail regarding the differences between those two specifically as I didn't think it was entirely necessary, though I suppose it would've been a lot more helpful if I did. I was just going for a really short and simple explanation, I guess. ¯_(ツ)_/¯