will there be a whole new leaderboard for switch version or will there be switch tab and sub categories on this leaderboard
what about 3ds then? as 3DS runs at a slower frame rate too but would it be bundled with switch or what idk doesn't seem very competitive at the moment though but it is a fun version still :)
It's too early to say, but observation and review copy rumors lead it to believe any% on switch will use the same exact levels and strategies as wii u. That might be in the same category, but 100% obviously won't because the bonus episode has completely different levels.
So is there going to be a different section for 100% and other categories seperating the WiiU version and the Switch version
All that's certain is 100% Wii U and 100% Switch will be different categories.
I think it would be the best option to make a complete new Leaderbord for the Switch and a new one for the 3DS, because it's slower...
I don't know about the Switch version, but on 3DS, the Plucky Pass Beginnings glitch has been patched. And on Mushroom Mesa, the touch platforms at the back of the stage are at different heights compared to the Wii U. The Switch version will probably have the same differences, and both will probably more. I won't know for sure until I get the game tomorrow.
However, with all of this, it would make sense to create a new leaderboard with separations between the two systems. Especially because playing in handheld mode/3DS will be drastically different from playing in tabletop/TV mode, due to the motion controls allowing access to platform manipulation, while also being able to move the camera or dash.
And lastly about the slowness, in my experience, it doesn't seem slower than other versions when playing them. I'm able to match Wii U times after all. However, I do completely understand that this version runs at 30 FPS.
UPDATE: I didn't realize you can sprint with Y, B, A, and ZR...So in fact in some cases, it would be harder on Switch, as according to reviews, you press ZR to trigger touch platforms.
touch strats might not be available for switch since you use joycons/pro controller, im getting this game tomorrow so i'll test some stuff