potential skip (probably nothing)
6 years ago

I was messing about making a random new TAS, when I performed flagpole glitch on 1-1 and ended the level it skipped the cut scene of Mario walking towards the pipe and just went straight to 1-2. It's probably a hardware issue or something and I can't replicate it. Maybe someone can find something?

Oklahoma, USA

did it look like this?

This is the Bullet Bill Glitch in 8-3... it's a "completed" flagpole glitch.

To my knowledge, it's only possible on 1-1 on the PAL version of the game, and only possible if you use Left+Right simultaneously, which isn't legal (or possible without modification) for RTA

Here's the TAS of the PAL version of the game (from HappyLee), which includes the "completed" flagpole glitch - skip to 27 seconds to see the glitch

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

I don't think he's talking about Mario walking to the castle, but the cut scene afterwards, where Mario walks towards the pipe (the one before each underground and water level).

Lul_ecks_dee likes this
Essex, England

"I can't replicate it", so no, he doesn't

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

The only thing I can think of is that it was a hardware issue. I have (no joke) went to reset my NES and I hit start and got warped to World 8 (I was still in World 1 when I reset and I didn't use the continue code) and I haven't replicated it since. That was also back in March 2017 when I first got my console.

Speedrunner INeedABetterTwitchName has gotten a console glitch where instead of starting at the beginning of 1-1, he starts at the beginning of the underground.

The video:

coolestto and Lul_ecks_dee like this
Utah, USA

If a glitch like this occurred and the run was completed, would it be considered valid?

coolestto likes this

Darpey it was nothing like the flagpole glitch it was the normal one, then Mario walked towards the castle the screen said 1-2 and then instantly into 1-2 with no cut scene.

United States

@terminator666999 wait, so instead of the cutscene of Mario walking to the pipe it just skipped straight to the beginning of 1-2? i'm almost positive that's a hardware issue if so.

Illinois, USA

I'm gonna say it's probably a hardware issue

Alabama, USA

but he was making a tas, so it couldn't have been a hardware issue

United States

^^^^ If he was making a TAS it wouldn't be a hardware issue, could be an issue with the emulation I suppose? Probably highly unlikely. Anyways, I am curious... if you were making a TAS, shouldnt you have the history of inputs?

Alabama, USA

yeah he should. if he could provide a screen shot then that would do alot for us.

TheIntCarl, Lul_ecks_dee, and colin like this
United States

What emulator? When you say you can't replicate it, did you run the same exact tas inputs and you don't get the same results or did you try making a new tas and didn't get the same result?


probably a troll tbh

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