can i submit a speedrun of the demo version of ultrakill?
1 year ago

i don't have the full version yet and i want to upload a speedrun

United States

no we only accept submissions from ULTRAKILL versions EA or later

Ohio, USA

Can there be a Demo% Category? There are quite a few diffs between the full game & the Demo.

United States

No. There used to be one; However to keep the boards clean that was archived externally. As mentioned the demo version has many differences compared to the current version of the game. What is most likely going to happen is the demo will be removed once the game comes out of EA (this and the pre steam demos will likely still be available on the page). These are just 'beta' versions of the game. This board is for the current release versions which is EA. There are no plans to continue to host runs for versions of the game that lack content. While Down-patching within the EA releases is fine (though unadvised) once the game comes out of EA all runs will be removed and the history archived like with the demo.

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6 months ago
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Speedrun Competition and Updated Base Game Rules

If you have not seen ULTRAKILL is finally having a speedrunner competition for real money!!! It starts in about four hours from the time I am making this news post, in fact its probably already started when you are reading this so click the challenges widget on the right and read up on the rules and

6 months ago
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