Downtown All Missions - Route
10 years ago

!!! NEW ROUTE !!! (Y)akuza / (L)oonie part

  1. L(green top) Radio Za-Za: Take molotovs. Shoot Zaibatsu to get +4 Yakuza respect after job complete and get at least wanted level 3 at the same time.
  2. Y(green left) Get Zitzaki: Get wanted level 4 and lure a Cop Car to the garage before job complete. Steal the Cop Car and get attention of the SWAT Van which should still be around from the mission before.
  3. Y(red) SWAT Van Swipe: Start the mission and lure the SWAT Van to the garage if possible. Steal and deliver it there and get a fast car after job complete (Cop Car or B-Type).
  4. Y(red) Stop The Tank: Line yourself up and destroy the tank from distance with the rocket launcher.
  5. L(green bottom) Pizza Cake: Destroy the Van with the Rocket Launcher.
  6. L(yellow right) Destroy J-Lab: Deathwarp with molotovs after job completion. Pick up any car and head towards the green phones.
  7. Y(green right) Bank Robbery: -
  8. Y(yellow right) Get Gamma Rei: Drive over some guys before starting this mission, so a Medicar spawns when you get out to the road. Get a wanted level and lure a Cop Car at the end of the mission if possible.
  9. Y(yellow right) Follow That Traitor: Search for a faster car if needed and an Ice Cream Van for the next mission while the traitor is walking around the block.
  10. Y(yellow left) Happy Gas Smash: You should have full Loonie respect before starting this mission. The Ice Cream Van can be armed at any shop. Try to lure a Cop Car at the end and important don´t shoot any Loonies so you don´t lose too much respect.
  11. L(yellow right) Dimentia To Go: If you have only +3 Loonie respect after picking up this mission, kill some Yakuza on the way. Pick up a "Get-Outta-Jail-Free Card" and destroy the generator with molotovs while running from distance.
  12. L(red) Taxi Drivers Must Die: Lure a Cop Car at the end.
  13. L(yellow left) Who´s Mad: Spawn Killers by running on the road against the traffic direction, take the Z-Type after completion.
  14. L(red) Gang War A-Go-Go: After taking phone kill Loonies at the small pavement right at the entrance until Zaibatsu respect is at least +4. Pick up the "Get-Outta-Jail-Free Card" at the second Yakuza if you forgot to do so earlier. Kill the Zaibatsu guy at the blue phone last.

Zaibatsu part 15. (yellow left) Lick Those Loonies: Switch to a faster car(Z-Type) if possible. After collecting Zaibatsu guys you can get a faster car, drive over the Loonies at the end. 16. (yellow right) Yutes Must Die: Take the A-Type(quick car which doesn´t despawn) where the snitch is and arm it with machine guns on the way. After job completion head north to the road right above the south east "wasted" spawn point and park the car so that it blocks the two lower lanes. Because the car doesn´t despawn it will stay there and block the path of the Bank Van later. If you didn´t manage to get a wanted level (try to shoot with the vehicle machine guns when driving north to get cop attention if you see any)after you parked the car then deathwarp, else get busted so that you can steal a Cop Car nearby the green Zaibatsu phones right away. 17. (green bottom) Wheeler-Dealing: Arm the car with a car bomb on the way to the last dealer. 18. (red) Armored Car Clash: Destroy the nearby car first and get a fast car. The second car goes either north or south, so arm your car either in the loonie car shop or in the south yakuza one. In case you didn´t have an armed car when starting the mission, go to the southern yakuza car shop right away. You might kill yourself along with the second car if it is in the northern Zaibatsu area. 19. (green top) Cop Car Crush: Get a fast car after crushing the Cop Car. 20. (yellow any) Big Bank Job: The A-Type you parked should have blocked the Bank Van you need to pick up. Take the highway route and respray if needed. Get a fast car after job completion. 21. (red) Bank Van Theft: Get Invulnerability on the way back because of the Rocket Launcher guy. 22. Final Job: Dudes should pop up real quickly when you are on the street. You might get a quick car to drive them over. Then head to the Exit quickly!

! IMPORTANT ! The route is very flexible so you can switch the mission order in some cases: Yakuza/Loonie part

  1. You see the Ice Cream Van right after "Stop The Tank": Happy Gas Smash(+3 Loonie) > Pizza Cake > Follow That Traitor(yellow left + park fast car nearby the garage from the Bank Robbery mission) > Bank Robbery (+3 Loonie) > Destroy J-Lab > Get Gamma Rei etc.
  2. You see the Ice Cream Van further on your way to "Pizza Cake" or after it or during "Destroy J-Lab": (Enter and leave the Ice Cream Van, it doesn´t despawn unless you switch your car twice). Pizza Cake > Destroy J-Lab > Happy Gas Smash (+5 Loonie) > Dimentia To Go > Taxi Drivers > Bank Robbery > Get Gamma Rei > Follow That Traitor etc. Zaibatsu part After "Yutes Must Die" you can do
  3. Cop Car Crush > Big Bank Job > Armored Car Clash > Wheeler-Dealing > Bank Van Theft ( > Lick Those Loonies if you want to do this mission last instead of first in the Zaibatsu part)
  4. Wheeler-Dealing > Armored Car Clash > Bank Van Theft > Cop Car Crush > Big Bank Job

---------------outdated-------------- OLD ROUTE Loonie part

  1. (green top) Radio Za-Za: Take Molotovs.
  2. (green bottom) Pizza Cake: Drive over Yakuza if needed, Destroy Van with Molotovs.
  3. (yellow right) Destroy J-Lab: Deathwarp with Molotovs after Mission Complete.
  4. (yellow right) Dimentia To Go: Destroy Generator while running with Molotovs, save a few secs.
  5. (red) Taxi Drivers Must Die: After jacking last car better get out and kill all those dudes with Machine Gun first.
  6. (yellow left) Who´s Mad: Spawn Killers by running on opposite side of the road against the traffic, take Z-Type after completion.
  7. (red) Gang War A-Go-Go: After taking phone kill Loonies at the small pavement right at the entrance until Zaibatsu respect at least +4, kill the Zaibatsu guy at the blue phone last.

Yakuza part 15. (green left) Get Zitzaki: Lure a SWAT Van to the garage and get it after completion. 16. (red) SWAT Van Swipe: - 17. (red) Stop The Tank: Line yourself up and destroy the tank from distance. 18. (yellow right) Get Gamma Rei: Drive over some guys before starting this mission, so Medicar spawns when you get out to the road. 19. (green right) Bank Robbery: - 20. (yellow right) Follow That Traitor: Search for a faster car and an Ice Cream Van for the next mission while the traitor is walking around the block. 21. (yellow left) Happy Gas Smash: You can arm the ice cream van at any shop. At the meeting point line yourself up, so you can destroy the Loonies Van when the guys start to get out, kill leftover with Machine Gun. 22. Final Job: Dudes should pop up real quickly when you are on the street. You might get a quick car to drive them over. After completion deathwarp(Rocket Launcher, Molotovs) and get to the Exit!

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Zachodniopomorskie, Poland

awesome, I will do a failure run at some point in this month :P


Nice, definetely would watch that. ;)

, it looks just like a wall of text. Nevertheless this route works quite well, with little time waste shooting gang members. I did a run and got a 45:59 just few minutes ago, with still over one and a half minute wasted.

Louisiana, USA

I decided to try and go for this one as well, I came up with my own route, which I'll post here. I go by phone positions rather than mission names :P

  1. Loonies - Green Top
  • Shoot Zaibatsu at the end of this mission. You'll want at least yellow respect for Yakuza at this point. Pick up the molotovs for the next mission.
  1. Loonies - Green Bottom
  • The end of this mission will put you right next to the green Yakuza phones.
  1. Yakuza - Green Left
  2. Yakuza - Green Right
  3. Yakuza - Yellow Right
  • Run over guys just before starting this mission to draw out an ambulance.
  1. Yakuza - Yellow Extra
  • Make sure you have yellow respect for the Loones at the end of this one (you should have it, but just in case.)
  1. Loonies - Yellow Right
  2. Yakuza - Yellow Left
  3. Loonies - Yellow Left
  • Death warp at the end of this mission with molotovs. Run down the street eastward a bit so you spawn at the hospital near the Loonies area.
  1. Loonies - Yellow Extra
  2. Loonies - Red One
  • The first taxi is in the Zaibatsu area. Kill some Zaibatsu until your Yakuza respect is flashing. (You should have high respect already so you don't have to shoot much.)
  • After the mission ends, get a 4 star wanted level while headed to the red Yakuza phones by running over peds and police. Take the back way into the red phone area using the catwalk over the water. DO NOT run over any Yakuza PERIOD or else you'll lose red respect.
  1. Yakuza - Red One
  • Since you have red respect, the Yakuza will help you deal with the police.
  1. Yakuza - Red Two
  2. Loonies - Red Two
  • Shoot Loonies at the beginning of this mission. Get at least yellow respect for Zaibatsu.
  • The end of this mission will end in the Zaibatsu area. The rest of the run is just completing all the Zaibatsu missions in a convenient order.
  1. Zaibatsu - Green Top
  2. Zaibatsu - Yellow Left
  3. Zaibatsu - Yellow Extra
  4. Zaibatsu - Yellow Right
  5. Zaibatsu - Red One
  6. Zaibatsu - Red Two
  7. Zaibatsu - Green Bottom
  • This mission ends right at the exit.

With this route, you basically do the Loonies and Yakuza missions at the same time, then do the Zaibatsu missions last. I don't know if it's faster or slower. I did some attempts but couldn't get a good run done. The Z missions are a pain in the ass haha.


Sounds interesting, nice to have some alternative routes here. :D

The idea of getting the wanted level for the SWAT Van on the way looks like a good idea for my route too actually. I think switching mission order to something like Get Zitzaki > SWAT Van Swipe > Stop The Tank > Get Gama Rei > Follow That Traitor > Bank Robbery > Happy Gas Smash looks good.

Do you casually stream your attempts too btw?

Louisiana, USA

Do you have a video of your 45:59 run? Reason I ask is because I was doing attempts with my route, and after a decent run I got around 54 minutes.. I mean, I figured my route may be slower, but I didn't think it would be 10 minutes slower..... I don't know if it's the route or just me sucking haha. I wanna see your record vid so I can see what kind of black magic you're using.

Also, I can complete both Yakuza and Loonies missions in about 27 minutes. 26 if I get a really good run. I guess the Zaibatsu jobs take about half an hour lol.

I may start streaming attempts if I can get my PC power supply replaced. Otherwise, it keeps crapping out on me when I try to stream.


If you got 26-27 minutes for those missions it´s not bad at all, you probably just screwed up Zaibatsu missions or didn´t know some shortcuts. My general estimates are 15 min for Loonies, 20 mins for Zaibatsu and 10 mins for Yakuza + finishing level. And a very good run should be a high 43 mins if RNG plays along.

I have the raw recording of the run, so I guess I can upload it somewhere on Dropbox. Didn´t want to put in on youtube since I screwed up my route a little and lost tons of time.

Edit (Link added):

Louisiana, USA

I just watched your video. It looks like you did a lot of things I didn't think of haha. I also want to rework my Zaibatsu route after watching yours.

By the way, I was curious, so I crunched the numbers. It turns out you spent a total of 34m36s on missions while not shooting gang members, which leaves 11m29s in between missions or shooting gang members. As for my run, I spent a total of 41m35s doing missions with 12m25s between missions or shooting gang members. You definitely crushed me on mission time lol. However, it looks like the routes are relatively the same with less than a minute difference barring mistakes/traffic.

Louisiana, USA

Did some attempts last night with my new route. I got close but died on the second to last job. The final time would have been around 49-50 minutes. I also made some really stupid mistakes where I took a wrong turn and got semi-lost. Getting better. :)

Molotok likes this

Hehe nice, keep it going. My times went from 57-56-54-50-48-45 to 43:46 mins just few hours ago. =)

Some comparison to my previous run:

  • I got very good RNG on "Armored Car Clash" and could suicide on the last car which also saved me time on "Wheeler-Dealing", a total 1:35 mins.
  • Applying the new idea of getting wanted level after "Yutes Must Die" gained 25 secs.
  • Lost 20 secs in "Big Bank Job" because I got the van earlier and tried to go the risky way back which i came from.
  • Lost 30 secs in "Bank Van Theft" because the rocket launcher guy managed to hit the van once.
  • Lost 30 secs because I couldn´t find the Ice Cream Van right away. Rest of the time safe was due to better driving and execution.

Loonies part was done in 14:48 to previously (15:01), Zaibatsu 19:09 (20:29), Yakuza 9:49 (10:19). With the big time losses I think a 42:xx seems like a very good goal now, 41:xx probably possible in a godlike run.

Louisiana, USA

I had a solid 48-minute run going and then got busted in an extremely stupid way on the last mission. FFFUUUU!!!

Good job on the 43 minute run. Can't wait to see your final run when you're finally satisfied.

Louisiana, USA

After many failed attempts, I got a 48:52 with a mediocre run. Think I'm going to take a break with Downtown for a while lol. I'm going to upload the run as soon as I get it encoded. It may not be the fastest but at least it's one for the leaderboard.


Congrats on the sub 50 PB at least, really want to see your route in action.

I had some nice runs going with the best one being a 14:09 Loonies part and exactly 1 minute ahead of my 43min PB after "Big Bank Job", but "Armored Car Clash" has ruined all of them so far. Also made some attempts in Residential, the furthest was dieing in "Penal Ties" jumping down from the prison to the ramp, being on 59min or 1h pace. Man those runs are a pain in the ass to get. :P


So that the opened All Missions category won´t be too empty i´m gonna post the 43:46 run too since i couldnt get a better run so far and i dont know when i will attempt it again.

Louisiana, USA

Ok, the reason I never uploaded is because for the past week I've been having computer trouble and also I've been trying to improve my run on my laptop. Honestly, this run kind of sucks. So many small mistakes here and there. The only reason it's my best time is because I got absurd luck with the ice cream truck and the swat van. I've had runs with flawless execution but turned out slower for some reason. Anyway, here's the run.

By the way, the route I use here is outdated. I have a newer route that I think is a little faster. I may post it later.

Molotok likes this

Doesn´t look too bad besides those few mistakes. The Ice Cream Van spawned i think about 50% of the time for me, so you dont particularly need insane luck to get one straight away.

Also maybe the different routes should be moved to the Guides section to have them not scathered around the place.

Louisiana, USA

Yeah, the run looks really sloppy to me compared to my other attempts. I honestly have no clue how this ended up being my fastest time. Good car spawns I guess.

Anyway, I came up with a new route which I think would be faster. Here's the list.

  1. Radio Za-Za: Get the Molotovs, shoot some Zaibatsu during and immediately after the mission until you have yellow Yakuza respect.

  2. Pizza Cake: Use molotovs on the van. The end of this mission puts you near the green Yakuza phones.

  3. Bank Robbery: After the mission, grab any car and run over peds near the yellow phones.

  4. Get Ramma Rei: Try and grab a police car at the end of the mission, you'll need the wanted star anyway. (I usually have police on me by the end of this one.)

  5. Follow that Traitor: Shoot police to get a four star wanted level while waiting for the traitor. Wait for the traitor on the stairs near the garage. After the traitor goes in, grab a police car from one of the cops you killed. Wait for a swat van to appear before completing the mission.

  6. SWAT Van Swipe: Grab the swat van that hopefully appeared at the end of the last mission and drive it to the phone.

  7. Stop The Tank

  8. Get Zitzaki: Lure a police car to the garage if you can so you can grab it when the mission ends.

  9. Happy Gas Smash: The end of this mission will put you in the Loonies area.

  10. Destroy J-Lab: Death warp at the end of the mission with molotovs.

  11. Dementia To Go

  12. Taxi Drivers Must Die: Lure a police car at the end of the mission so you can grab it when the mission ends. Alternatively, you can death warp with molotovs and spawn in an area near a parked Wellard.

  13. Who's Mad: Grab a Z car at the end.

  14. Gang War a Go-Go: Shoot Loonies at the beginning of this one until you have at least yellow Zaibatsu respect.

  15. Lick Those Loonies

  16. Big Bank Job

  17. Armored Car Clash: Death warp on the second car, hopefully you spawn at the Zaibatsu hospital near the green phone and parked car.

  18. Cop Car Crush

  19. Yutes Must Die

  20. Bank Van Theft: Grab the invulnerability

  21. Wheeler Dealing: The end of this mission will put you right near the exit

  22. Final Job: If they don't spawn right away, drive around to the side with the exit and go into the street.

I like this route for three reasons:

  1. It takes care of all the luck stuff at the beginning (Swat van, ambulance, ice cream truck)
  2. There's only one moment where you have to waste a lot of time shooting gang members (during Gang War a Go-Go)
  3. There's no wasting time getting a wanted level for the swat van since you do it while waiting for the snitch.

I did a run with this route yesterday... but it came out to around 49:02 thanks to some dumb errors. FML.. haha

  1. I have to disagree with SWAT Van and Ambulance being luck. :p

About getting SWAT Van during "Follow That Traitor": I tested this idea back during my 100% routing and it proved to be a bit annoying because of the cops bothering you constantly. Maybe standing at a safer point like at the train station and watching the guy going in would of worked out better.

Another similiar idea i had but never tested is switching some missions so that Happy Gas Smash is after Follow That Traitor which would mean having more time to get the Ice Cream Van reducing RNG.

Louisiana, USA

I had a run that was a minute ahead of my PB and it ended at Armored Car Clash. I just don't know the secret to getting the cars to stay put. When I do that one, I just try to ram the car into other cars and try to get it stuck. What's your guys secret?

In the meantime, I have a few interesting outtakes from my attempts. Some of the stranger ways my runs have ended haha. :D

Bavaria, Germany

If they're standing still at the traffic light, you can see how far the lights cycle is and time your positioning based on that. If car is driving, you can just park ahead slightly timing it correctly. In other cases like when the car is just about to pass an intersection, I'm usually screwed unless there happens to be other traffic in front of the car that you can block and take the car down in a chain explosion :D

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