Uhhh, how do i do this?
United States

I need help figuring out how to submit a run, whats real time attack? What’s load whatever? I need help! I have a ok at best run for item obtain fish% but i dont understand anything! HELP!

Washington, USA

Real Time Attack is the full time from the first input until the run is completed. Time is never removed from RTA. Load Removed Time (Most often called In Game Time) is the time from first input until the run is completed, but all loads are removed. (Dimension loading, etc.)

You don't have to worry too much about putting the correct time in the submission, as the moderators will correct the time when they verify it.

You can submit a run by pressing this button here. From there all you need to do is make sure the category you are submitting to is correct, put a rough time in both of the time spots, (they can be the same if you really aren't sure about the timing, as I said the mods will retime and correct it), paste your YouTube link in the Video section, enter all the correct information below that (Version, platform, etc) and press submit!

United States

So basically if i go in a dimension the attack will keep ticking while loading, but the in game will stop until over?

Washington, USA

That's right

United States

Still don’t know what splits io is.

Washington, USA

You don't need to worry about that. Just leave it blank.


splits io is a secondary website which allows you to implement splits into your submission since if the run has multiple segments, people like to have splits so they can see where specifically they lost or gained any time.

as for rta/load reduced time, you don’t need to worry about that as the mods will retime it. for clarification sake, lrt is the rta time but with any additional loads (nether portal loads above the minimum 4 seconds, end portal loads) removed from the time. this is used to compare categories such as icarus any% and prng any% as it levels the playing field so people can be positioned on the leaderboard based on how good the run was not how good their loads were.

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Master and Specific Seed Glitchless

Hello everyone, we have added 2 new categories for you to enjoy.

Specific Seed Glitchless is a category where you have to complete regular Set Seed Glitchless runs on specific seeds. The seeds are in the category rules and also in the name of their respective subcategory.

Master is a category wher

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