If anybody else runs this game and wants a new category, just give me a video
3 years ago
California, USA

Ideas for other categories: 100%, Pacifist (achievement is less than 10 kills), All Bosses

Give me a video of the run and you get the category


could we get a category for Jerry mode (any% and/or any% glitchless)

i have a run for it here:

newgenderplus likes this
Minnesota, USA

can we get a scythe% category i have a run here

seymour_schlong likes this
Minnesota, USA

can we also change the categories to any% and no exploits? exploits including hell well skip and damage boosts like the triple jump needed in the new wr would be more fun i think

seymour_schlong likes this
California, USA

whoops, missed this post somehow, added character variables. Jerry is slower, but like it's still just any% so filters can just be used if there's ever more runs.

added a beat hell boss category, apparently I deleted my 100% file so I forget what his name is. time start on game start, time end on scythe grab

seymour_schlong likes this

the boss' is named Great Demon also are glitches/exploits allowed in the category?

newgenderplus likes this
Minnesota, USA

there's something really fun about going in with only one extra jump and the wallclimb and softlocking your game so i say glitches are allowed? idk

seymour_schlong likes this
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Can we create an all relics category? It looks like that was the old route, but it would be interesting to optimize that a little more. It also feels a bit more generous than banning enemy boosts.

One of the old runs for reference:

She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

^ I changed up the route a bit and uploaded a video. It seems like it would be pretty fun as a category:

California, USA

added, please actually submit the run to the category now lol

VolcanoBee likes this
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