Sharing strats!
10 years ago
Maryland, USA

Yo. I'm reslived. Got into speedrunning with this game, and it looks like im not the only one suddenly playing this game again.

I wanna make a forum to share strats cuz it looks like we all do something different for every fight, so it'd be good for all of us to get better as a group. Idk if there is already an easy place for us to talk about stuff so if there is plz link me.

Something I'm bad at - Walls 1 & 2. Specifically 2. Any good strats for Wall 2 you guys have would be nice.

Something I'm good at and more people should do - Guaranteed Return Aces: works on everyone in Junior, and Joy in Senior.

Guaranteed Return Aces: I've only tested this using the 2-walls strategy, and right-handedness, so idk what the exact skillset floor is for every fight. The key to guaranteeing a return ace is returning from the right-side back line, and then smacking it right back where they served from. this gives the enemy enough time to run to the center, and you'll return it right as they try to change their acceleration back towards where they served.

Pam: Orange serve from the left -> fault

  • Orange line follow-up -> charged slice right back towards the left side
  • Purple cross follow-up -> charged slice right back towards the left side Purple serve from the left -> charged slice right back towards the left side Blue serve from the left, down line -> charged slice towards left side (also works without slicing and just charging a B-hit)

Curt: Orange serve from the left -> fault

  • Orange line follow-up -> charged slice right back towards the left side
  • Purple cross follow-up -> lob to the right side Purple serve from the left -> charged slice right back towards the left side Blue serve from the left, down line -> charged slice towards left side

Beth: unsure. Beth is weird.

Bob: Orange serve from the left -> charged slice right back towards the left side Purple serve from the left -> charged slice right back towards the left side Blue serve from the left, down line -> charged slice towards left side

Brian: doesnt always work

Joy: unsure about Joy, but I know I've gotten some of these. Def gonna research more. Orange serve from the left -> fault

  • Orange line follow-up -> charged slice right back towards the left side
  • Purple cross follow-up -> charged slice right back towards the left side
California, USA

I hadn't even started thinking about return aces, so this is really useful info. The only strats that have worked for me in Wall 2 are basically granny strats. Try to stay in the middle of the court, far enough away that the lobs don't go over your head and close enough that you can catch up to the drop shots. Generally a little behind the center line. Any strat that involving avoiding the panels has ended is disaster for me. Wall 1 is somewhat easier as staying up close to the wall and lobbing over the panel when it swings down works fairly consistently.

Maryland, USA

I think some return ace strats are actually slower than drop shot strats. i found that some lob strats guarantee return aces and im not sure if its more worth for a slow guarantee or a fast chance.

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