Feature Request Thread for Elo Staff - December 2021
3 years ago
Texas, USA

This is a blank slate but the plan is to update this like @Garsh did last month to keep user requests fresh for Elo staff.

How this works:

  1. Post your ideas below.
  2. If your idea is longer than seven words, give it a title. Try to be specific instead of saying "Issues with X".
  3. If you have more than one idea, number your ideas.
  4. If you have more than 5 ideas, consider posting the features you really want to see this month.
  5. Upvote posts you like and I will sort the ideas here by their "hotness"
  6. Elo Staff ( @Meta ) says: Be sure to also submit each idea as a ticket to Support Hub

Example Post:

  1. Notification for tied WRs
  2. Set Discord link for a series
  3. Export the audit log (Then continue your post with details of each)

Mod Hub @Liv #1 - Allow mods to claim runs + 6 votes @Liv #2 - Don't load all videos at once + 6 votes @Liv #3 - Mod notes on runs + 6 votes

Runs and Leaderboards @Solderq35 #1 - [Category and Subcategory Problems] (https://www.speedrun.com/post/0ag8g) + 4 votes @Solderq35 #2 - Applying Subcategories or Variables Selectively + 4 votes @Solderq35 #3 - IL "View All Levels" Leaderboard Table Problems + 4 votes @Solderq35 #4 - Miscellaneous IL problems + 4 votes @Solderq35 #5 - Timing Customization+ 4 votes @Oxknifer #1 - TAS Leaderboards

Support Hub @Kkntucara #1 - Editable support hub requests + 1 vote

General Site @JACK4L #1 - Update the BW flag - 2 votes

Edited by the author 3 years ago
, YUMmy_Bacon5 and 7 others like this

Also please (if you haven't already), submit a ticket to Feedback or Bug Reports in the Support Hub. Forums are fantastic for discussion but I won't catch everything. Everything that gets submitted to SH gets documented and brought to the dev teams attention

Oh_my_gourdness, YUMmy_Bacon5 and 8 others like this

@Meta But what if I don't remember whether I've sent it already or not? Anyway, one thing I do know I just sent as feedback is "fixing the default variable issues":

I think there should be a stronger and clearer warning that setting a default value for a variable not used for subcategories will hide runs from the leaderboard if they don't have that value. This is a common issue that trips up both new & experienced moderators, the cause of many "Why aren't runs showing up" threads in the forums.

In fact, when creating variables with set values, there shouldn't be a default value selected automatically (i.e. don't select a default by default). Changing that setting so that variables defaulted to not having a default would probably solve the majority of those issues by itself.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
United States

Just make a second post in the support hub lol, wont hurt if you send a request twice.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and Walgrey like this
Madrid, Spain

Or we can request a feature that lets us see (and maybe even edit) support hub requests

YUMmy_Bacon5 and hahhah42 like this

@Kkntucara I actually requested that they add feedback requests to the "view pending" section of our profiles last night, too. Didn't think of asking them to let us edit them, though.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and Kkntucara like this
Texas, USA

@hahhah42 @Kkntucara Please add a summary title to your requests if you'd like to see them in the first post :))

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

I don't understand what happened to all of the information the community gathered in the old feedback thread. Where did that all go? lol. I'm fairly sure Elo also has that information but, I can't find it publicly. I remember some people created a nice large, but condensed list of all the well proper feedback requests from the past era. What happened to those? Maybe it's just that hard to find.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
United Kingdom

@Daravae Do you mean this by chance: https://pastebin.com/raw/g1GkQvfA

This was from an old HowdenKing post.

This said, my feature requests for this year are:

  1. Please allow Mods to claim runs in the mod hub.

  2. It shouldn't simultaneously load every video at once on the page in modhub. Easy way to put massive load on weaker PCs as soon as they enter the mod hub and switch between pages, especially if it's like 5 Twitch VODs all loading at once or something. Also same issue people had with the front page Twitch VOD, it's a waste of bandwidth for people on data.

  3. Mod notes for runs in the mod hub.

@Meta And although the Support Hub does exist, it's still... not efficient I would say. Here at least users can give feedback on each idea, whereas in the mod hub it's concealed and like another user said it's easy to forget what you've even requested before, especially if a long time goes by and it's not been adjusted, etc.

A system like "uservoice" ( so like this: https://twitch.uservoice.com/ ) would be ideal in my opinion. Both current systems kinda have their own flaws.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, MinecraftGaming and 9 others like this

Hell yeah thank you Liv. Wonder what Elo is going to do with this, apart from ignoring its existence OpieOP

YUMmy_Bacon5 and Liv like this
United Kingdom

Yeah, also kinda displays just how long people have been waiting for some of these. His post was made in July 2019, and that's only his post that collected all the info from a 70+ page thread.

And granted some of these are harder to implement than others probably, but how have we been waiting nearly 2 and a half years at least and still don't have the ability to label emulators runs with a specific emulator tag, ability to preview changes made in edit game, improved WR graphs, mod notes or the ability to organize games on your profile, etc.

There's also a ton of functionality in that very list no one would be opposed to, and so I really hope the next update is a large scale functionality update instead of profile stats that honestly should've been less of a priority I feel and a redesign that's still disliked by a fair lot. I imagine ELO are going to take the silence of criticism on the redesign as if people were overreacting or have learned to like it but really... there's still a lot of problems, but also only so much people can be arsed complaining on twitter and the forums. Maybe they're still getting a lot of feedback on it via the hub? But we'll never know. OpieOP

YUMmy_Bacon5, MinecraftGaming and 10 others like this

I personally don't understand how the default value filter bug is still a thing.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

@Liv Yeah, I definitely encourage people to discuss in the forums. I'm just saying to also submit a ticket to the Support Hub :D

Also @hahhah42 if you're not sure if you've already submitted a ticket, feel free to submit a second one. No harm there :)

About the redesign, as far as I know there's still plans to improve category and subcategory navigation. Its still very much a conversation thats being had, while working on other things.

United States

Part of me feels like these posts are somewhat pointless because it's just repeating the same complaints in the hopes that will make the fix come faster.

I will repost my last list of requests however.

And yes, I submitted most of these previously to the support hub... for all the good it is doing....

example of what's wrong with category layout

  • If a "top level" category for a leaderboard has more than 4 categories, any extra categories are hidden behind a "scroll right" button.
    • (In this context, a "top level" category is any category you can edit via Edit Game -> Categories).
    • This means you will need to keep pressing the scroll button as many as 5 or 6 times for Category Extension leaderboard with a lot of "top level" categories.

example of what's wrong with subcategory layout

  • Any subcategory below the top level categories (any category that you can edit via Edit Game -> Variables) will always be hidden behind a dropdown menu if there are more than about 4 subcategories.
    • This is inconsistent with how excessive top level categories are handled, it seems weird that at least the first 4 subcategories are not shown in a row on the leaderboard, and that they are all hidden behind a dropdown.

I think the thing that irks me with the new category dropdown/ scroll right button is it comes off as very condescending and bureaucratic for the sake of being bureaucratic Game mods could already hide extra categories under miscellaneous categories if they wanted before; clearly if they didn’t do that they had a good reason to. For instance, maybe the game mods figured it is better a leaderboard look a little messy aesthetically, than it being hard to find all the categories. Either way, it should be left to the community/ moderators of each game, and not handled by a central bureaucracy.

The category layout change comes off as Elo thinking they know better than the individual game mods of how to format leaderboards and taking it into their own hands.

  • Ideally, we can just revert the category layout to how it is before, giving game moderators full creative control on how they would like to structure their leaderboard categories. Again, I am baffled by this change, and misc. categories are effectively obsolete in leaderboards with many categories now. The freedom for which categories to hide and how is out of game moderator's hands now.

Alternate Solutions, if reverting the changes altogether is not possible or desired by Elo

  • Note that "4 categories" is a rough heuristic here, the maximum amount of categories per row seems to also be affected by the number of words in each category name.
  • For top level categories (see first picture above), please put excessive categories beyond the first 4 in a dropdown menu (similar to how misc. categories worked before). I'd much rather use a dropdown menu to access additional categories, than use a scroll right button, which could take ages on some leaderboards.
  • For subcategories (see second picture above), please format at least the first 4 subcategories in a row on the leaderboard, before putting any further categories into a dropdown menu. As it is, it doesn't seem logical that if you have 4 subcategories all will be shown on the leaderboard, but 5 or 6 categories will result in only one being shown, and the rest in a dropdown. Let's have some consistency here between top level category and subcategory layout.
  • We need the ability to selectively apply subcategories and categories to some, but not all levels. Similarly, we need ability to apply subcategories to some but not all categories.
  • I'd also like to point out that currently you cannot apply subcategories to one specific subcategory, although you can apply subcategories to one specific top level category. More explanation here.

To be clear, this is about the "view all levels" leaderboard table, for example: https://www.speedrun.com/hitman_3

  • Problem 1: The IL table can only show up to 4? subcategories until you have to use a scroll bar. As can be seen by this monstrosity. Now, a scroll bar in and of itself isn't a huge deal, but the UI on the table with scroll is terrible. You literally can't see the top column labels once you scroll down the table a bit, and you similarly can't see the row labels once you scroll right, meaning I've had to add "placeholder runs" to the Hitman 3 Extensions leaderboards, which is kind of ridiculous compensation for bad site design.

    • I've proposed a few solutions to this issue here. Namely, utilize space on each side of the table better (probably won't happen due to Elo loving ads), or add row/ column labels that will scroll with you.
  • Problem 2: The IL table only shows the "default" category of IL runs. Ex: You can only see PC runs as default here: https://www.speedrun.com/rogue1/levels

    • You should be able to toggle between subcategories and be able to see all IL console runs on a leaderboard table for a quick summary, instead of having to go into each individual level to see the console record. That's just inane. More explanation here.
    • Being able to toggle between subcategories on the IL table would also help a lot for organizing leaderboards better to avoid the issue of having to have more than 4 columns of categories to begin with, thus avoiding the scroll bar issue above.

These aren't huge issues, but the sum total of these oversights really makes me feel like IL's are discriminated against here.

  • Why does the "active players" stat in game statistics not count IL runs? Are they deemed lesser by Elo? Example At the very least, please separate out an "active full game players" and "active IL players", similarly to how there are separate "recent IL runs" and "recent full game runs" stats.
  • Why does the "recent runs" widget prioritize the category of the IL run over the level it was played on? I feel like if I had to only have one category or subcategory to go off of, I'd want to know which level a run was performed on, vs knowing if the run was any% (example) category. I literally cannot comprehend any info from the recent runs widget when it comes to IL runs.
  • We really should get ability to have separate timing methods for IL vs full game, this is long overdue
  • There should be option to only have in-game timing/ loadless timing, without also having "real time" tacked on. Some games are just IGT only, why is real time forced onto it needlessly? Coming form someone who has to edit out false "real time" submissions for eternity for IGT games.
  • Even when IGT is the default timing method, the real time is prioritized when you click on the run, as seen here. This is strange, especially because when using RTA loadless, the RTA loadless time is shown first over the RTA with loads on the run.
  • Ability to mass edit runs would be so helpful as sometimes you decide later down the road you want to switch timing methods.

##6. Website/ Discord Link UI Problems (relatively minor, you can focus on top 5 ideas I guess)

  • Why did Elo remove the website and discord server labels? You can barely see those tiny little symbols now. Also, labeling the website gave much needed context to what the website was, so the player knows if the site is worth clicking or not.
  • At some point will other games besides the sponsored one (Severed Steel) get the option to have multiple Discord servers linked on the page? Ex: https://www.speedrun.com/severed_steel Or is this a pay to have feature? Seems discriminatory when only this game has it. Many other games have multiple speedrun Discord servers for one reason or another and could use this.
    • Note that you can't even tell which discord server is what on the Severed Steel page due to Elo removing labels on them... nice...
Edited by the author 3 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, MasterOfMike and 4 others like this
Świętokrzyskie, Poland

please fix the Baden-Württemberg flag. thanks


YUMmy_Bacon5, sami, and Tutterey like this
Texas, USA

Hi all, Great ideas here. If you want your ideas to be shown at the top, please follow the format I've asked for. @Solderq35 @Liv @hahhah42 please consider numbering and titling your top ideas if you would like to see them above. See the example in my post.

@Daravae Lol it's true, so much feedback lost. Take a look at the Discord conversation we had about this a couple years ago. I think it was you who I spoke to about it. In the convo, I suggested we start an Excel sheet to track all the ideas and you told me that you thought it wasn't worth it because srcom keeps their own list. And that was a sad day for me because I realized that you were right and that the old srcom devs prioritized whatever they wanted instead of looking at feature requests :')

Edited by the author 3 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
United States

I edited my post to have hopefully better formatting

YUMmy_Bacon5 and Oxknifer like this
Texas, USA
  1. TAS Leaderboards TASing has become so popular that it would make sense for srcom to host TAS runs with credit given to the main TASers. Since all categories would remain the same, we could either host the runs with a [TAS] tag within the same leaderboard, or create a duplicate leaderboard with [TAS] appended to each category name. Just throwing out ideas, would love to hear more.

Actually maybe the leaderboards wouldn't be duplicate, as some bots can do much more than humans can. I'd see this like a category extension leaderboard, perhaps.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

"TAS leaderboard" isnt really a good idea. TAS sing isnt necessarily about being faster than someones tas but rather about making the fastest TAS in general as a team or a solo project using the fastest strats. though if there somehow was a good way to have a link to a categorys TAS on the games page would be cool. maybe if there was a page for every game similiar to the guide/resources/news/forums but would list the fastest TASes for each category not sure

YUMmy_Bacon5, Merl_, and Walgrey like this
Texas, USA

@SioN I agree with that feedback :)) I'd love to keep a history log of the fastest TAS made by date per category, and some sort of documentation on which community member contributed to the strat/the TASing of the strat, even on small time-saves. But that would be down the line sorta thing, like if people start using the TAS features on the site and want more support for it. For now, yeah, a basic interface to upload the fastest to-date TAS with a few notes would be great.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this