Official EMu setting?
8 years ago
Texas, USA

Hello, I'm new to the forums and also in the speed run world, I was wondering if there any official Emu or settings for this game? if not would be awesome if we setup something so I'll try those and make a submission...

I have it on the PS3 as digital download, also I have the original game, but the emulator is more comfortable for me so I don't have to set it up....

Most, if not all emulator runners are using ePSXe 1.8.0

Just use the internal soft plugin of ePSXe. None of these settings actually affect the speed of the emulator. (FPS Limit has been done internally since 1.8)

Edited by the author 8 years ago
United Kingdom

Sorry if it's bad manners to reply to an old thread - But with new updates to ePSXe, is it still the go to Emulator for it? It's what I've been using for a while for practice, and I think the only settings I've touched on it at remapping the controller scheme to fit a Playstation controller.


I use the same setup as SG posted one message above (1.8.0). Makes graphics look like crap, but it works very smooth. I know a few people who use 1.9 and 2.0.5, it works fine as well.

About other Emus: Mednafen - very slow room transitions, loses a lot of time since timing convention is RTA, PSXjin - crashes/freezes after Burner fight.

Mishona likes this
United Kingdom

Cheers for the reply Toxic, I'll check out the 1.8 version of ePSXe - I've been using the latest (2.0.5) and it's working fine, aside from a crazy stutter on the walk to Akropolis.

United States

All of this is under EMULATOR :Legacy" now, a new emulator just surfaced called DuckStation , we tested it, and that will be the IT to run for emulators as doesn't matter what setting you use or resolution it makes everyone even and competitive, no more specific emulator or plug in or settings to gain or lose time, just set up your bios of ducky station and go, up the resolution if needed for pretty graphics , it will not affect your loading times, the future is now !!!! Also all other emulator runs will still be there just under Legacy.

allancg likes this
Ceará, Brazil

So are runs in other emulators no longer accepted moving forward? No problem at all for me to run using duckstation from now (I agree it shouldn't be pay to win) but it is still true that ePSXe is the fastest way to run the game right? (considering we use RTA as measurement) so people might still be interested in it, especially for 100% runs where the time difference will be pretty noticeable with so many door loads (and javelin glitches which are also slower on duckstation) and definitely more noticeable for the player himself (i.e. how long it takes to finish a run).

Just a random thought regarding the issue: It would be really cool if we could find where the IGT is stored (e.g. using cheat engine) so load times are no longer a problem and people had more freedom to choose the emulator without worrying about these things. The difference between RTA and IGT is pretty brutal. When we check for 100% at the end of the game, the IGT is 60-70% of the RTA, and I always wondered what my actual IGT would be, even if the game doesn't show it to the player, and if it actually stops as soon as we beat eve.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

They are accepted, just under "Emulator Legacy" category, according to rules. IGT was implemented in my Resources page scripts for ePSXe, you are free to take the logic from there and implement it for Duckstation if you want to. I had IGT displayed in my latest hundo run, so you can see it's behavior when you open doors, etc.

Sena likes this
Ceará, Brazil

I saw your code for the ePSXe autosplitters and noticed that the game time is separated into frames (named milisseconds in the code), minutes and multiples of 256 minutes. I tried to do the same thing on duckstation for the JP version by loading different saves (with different elapsed game times), and playing around with cheat engine's increase/decrease scan, but did not have any luck at all narrowing down the correct memory locations, which honestly makes me all that more impressed that you managed to do it for 3 different versions of ePSXe.

I also saw the IGT on your replay 100% run, it looks like the timer pauses in door transitions, the battle "heartbeats", the battle results screen and, importantly, in the pause menu. This means that if IGT was the measurement the strategies would probably look very different, e.g. you could attach some items to make the mandatory battles shorter on any%, and triggering battles wouldn't hurt IGT as much as it hurts RTA. I guess it makes sense then to use RTA, which will also favor players with good menuing and battle dodging skills.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

So, since Duckstation is the main emu from now on, is it allowed to use the Android version too? Thanks in advance.

United States

@WanderAgro Emulator section is ONLY for Duckstation - you can add any other emu run into the Emulator (Legacy) section I dont think there is a checkbox for emulator on mobile though and i dont think it will be a balanced competitive time to the other runs there, but if you are doing it for fun and just to submit a time, go for it, have fun !

Ceará, Brazil

@wolfdnc I think what @WanderAgro means is that there is a Duckstation port for Android:

(see duckstation-android.apk)

I believe this can be used if players run on a chromebook for example. I might be wrong (Wolf and the other mods decide on this) but I think all duckstation ports (windows, linux, android, either SDL or QT) should go on "Emulator", and all other non-duckstation emulators in any platform (ePSXe, PCSX, etc) go on "Emulator (Legacy)". Not sure if there are any known load time differences between duckstations across different operating systems. I tested on Windows and Linux and they seem consistent (Javelin glitch is equally horrible on both), so by extension I'm guessing Android should be similar too.

Edited by the author 3 years ago