Not understanding the quick inventory selection
6 years ago
Connecticut, USA

Hi, I'm a new Speed runner for RE2 and was wondering about the quick switch inventory techniques. I read the post about holding down then right to get to the slot easiest but its not really working out for me. I'm pretty fast at getting to what I select but its not instant like I see many speed runners. May I get some tips?

Dalarna, Sweden

For the PC version, you want to do a series of inputs in rather quick succession.

For example, to get to the 6th slot almost immediately, as you're opening your inventory you want to press down and right really quickly. I'm sure of them you can even just hold the button and you'll get there almost instantaneously.

The ones I know are:

4th slot: Down + Left 5th slot: Right + Down 6th slot: Down + Right 7th slot: Down + Right + Right 8th slot: Down + Right + Left

Do correct me if I'm wrong on any of these. It's been a while.

Ceará, Brazil

I understand in this way, for example, to go to the 6th slots: (press down) + (while pressing down press left). The game will register two inputs: (down) and (down+left)

Edited by the author 6 years ago

@GrowthKasei The "7th slot: Down + Right + Right" works but if you want it to be instant like the others you wrote then its: 7th slot: Right + Down + Left

Edited by the author 6 years ago
GrowthKasei likes this

wouldn't it be easier on controller? (D-pad) i guess that's why i'm stuck with too and i hate using keyboard so i have controller. isn't it easier to use D-Pad? i've noticed that the runner POPPO does and he makes it look so easy


@LoanSharkJoe it's just a matter of getting used to it. Slot 7 and 8 is impossible on controller, unless you wanna use both d-pad and analog at the same time. Then we have the more difficult inventories where you need to do multible things like combining and inserting the stones or equiping combining and using the key at train on Claire A which would be much easier to do on keyboard than controller.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

If you're on a gamepad doing the fast menus is as simple as inputting commands on a fighting game. You generally use quarter circle motions with your thumb between the left and right d-pad inputs. You're going to be descending down the menu majority of the time so you won't have to program your brain to learn the upward motions since those are rarely ever used.

Slot 4: Down + Right at the same time Slot 5: Slide thumb from right > down Slot 6: Slide thumb from down > right Slot 7: Do the slot 5 motion, but add an extra down input before or after it. Slot 8: Can be done a few ways, but the easiest and fastest way IMO is sliding your thumb from right > down > right. Essentially Slot 5 and 6 motion done together.

Practice it a bunch and you'll get the feel for it. The RE2 menus can get a little finicky from thumb slide motions or any fast inputs, but they work great to your advantage. Unfortunately, RE2 menu tricks don't translate too well to the Gamecube version. You have to use BOTH d-pad and analog to pull that off correctly. I made a video showcasing it although it's a little hard to see with the controller being completely black lol. This is if you're ever on the Gamecube version or playing REmake.

Edited by the author 6 years ago