PS2 Emulator
7 years ago
Texas, USA

No matter which category you're thinking of but didn't say for some reason, emu is banned.

He/Him, They/Them, It/Its
7 years ago

even if you do use emu, youre at an extreme disadvantage. and if the xbox emu works with dx id still assume the answer would be no because it probably isnt very accurate, same with the ps2 emu.

tl;dr - probably not allowed but its emu runs are there because no one who runs on it is trying to get wr or even a top time

New York, USA

Please tell me the truth becauss I know that there's a real explanation on why you would ban emulators but keep a run of it on the leaderboard.

Texas, USA

Emu is banned due to inaccuracy that usually makes loads faster because emulating a disc drive's loads is damn near impossible, cheating or faking a run is a lot easier on emu and if there really is an emu run on the leaderboards it's probably a mistake.

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