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9 years ago
North Carolina, USA

Alright, got them submitted. I also realized the Sewer run was Adrenalineless and comparable so I took a look at that as well. The starting frame isn't as clear as usual since I wasn't making an effort towards that back when I got the run, but it was enough to go on. I compensated by taking time from a frame before the in-game cursor seems to fill in (the secondary telling of the map starting), so it is only off by a max of a frame or two and, if it is, a longer time than it should be. Good baseline to get the level jumpstarted without needing to get a new run first.

It can definitely be improved greatly in RTA since those mistakes matter much more now.

North Carolina, USA

Everything is up for RTA now except for... ¤shudders¤... SynTek...

I have to say, it feels good running without Adrenaline. Much faster on the resets, it really keeps the pace up.

Landing Bay is probably the most easily improvable since the hack was not too great, Sewer might be in second place. The hardest is probably Cargo.


Good job man, I mainly run this game in coop but I'll be sure to work on the Solo runs too.

Regarding Coop RTA our runs are all pretty much outdated (except for Landing Bay) now but as soon as we've improved our times I'll be sure to upload them as well.

North Carolina, USA

Alright, cool, and thanks. I didn't spend too much time on the solo RTA's yet, really... I took about 2 1/2 hours yesterday on the Landing, Deima and Rydberg ones, and tried SynTek several times but that was at the end of my session and it's a bit of a nightmare... I'll do it at a later time.

Deagle and I will get to the co-op at some point, just working on our GDQ run first. We will probably do some of the RTA in between full-game runs with our GDQ path.

If you have any questions about the game or how certain tricks/strategies work you can let me know, I can probably answer mostly anything now that I've been at it for a while.

North Carolina, USA

Submitted a few new things while practicing for AGDQ starting soon.

So, how goes those runs Tenkei, anything to report? It's been pretty lonely over here for a while.

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Level: Sewer Junction
Level: Sewer Junction
Level: Sewer Junction
Level: Sewer Junction
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