Complaints / Suggestions / Cheating Thread
7 years ago
United States

About my NWNM NG+ run, sorry about sitting for minutes xD I was actually talking with viewers.


It's all good man just don't want it getting super abused if anyone new starts running and sees that lol

Wisconsin, USA

YO. About Nrrillinthas NG+ any% NWNM run.......He has the super jump mod on during right? So is that to be considered tool assisted? And does that really fly?? I have used that tool to practice but I turn it off prior to real runs. Just wondering how people feel about having tools on during runs.


Unfortunately I don't think we have enough people to weigh in on this, I don't feel very good about it, but borkva's run from a while ago uses a velocity meter and was accepted, which is practically the same thing except it shows you in terms of speed, so I'm sort of just going off what the old mods found acceptable. It does feel cheap though to have something tell you how late or early you are on a super, I'm really not sure

Wisconsin, USA

Yeah....Honestly I just recently found out that borkvas thing was an external tool...Originally when I saw his run I thought that was a feature built into the game...All that being said my personal beliefs are that tool assisted runs don't really belong beside non tool assisted runs...

New Zealand

I haven't used that tool, but it looks like it just tells you after a failed super jump how much you were off by. Is that correct? If so I don't see the problem. It doesn't help you do the super jump since it only pops up after you've already failed. All it does is give you a feel for what the timing should be so you can get better at doing them in general.


@Strigoides although that is true it pops up after the jump is failed, it gives you more time to react to get out of the jump you're holding rather than thinking "Did I get the jump?" and holding out the boost like in the jump for The Void that gets you to the door, another would be for Ascension hitting the jump pad that shoots you way up to blast the first of three orbs that opens up the platform to end the level, hitting that super and realizing immediately that you didn't get it can save soooo much time breaking out of the jump, rather than holding out the boost as you get halfway to the top, then having to wait back to fall down and do it all over again, so I'm starting to lean more towards not having that allowed I think, I'll allow it this one time because NG+ theres a lot more room for improvement on everyone's runs so far so it won't matter at the moment

New Zealand

Oh right, I didn't think about that. It could definitely save loads of time on Ascension as you say, so I think banning it makes sense.


So @Nrrillinthas I'm sorry, but we will have to not allow your super jump mod as it gives to much of an advantage potential compared to someone who wouldn't be using it, but now my question is do we allow the velocity meter or not since it is quite similar to the super jump mod?

I'll have to update the rules then for runs in regards to tool assisted runs

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

That's a tough one....I mean borkva has had that record for sooooooooooo long.....


Yeah I can't just take that away considering the past mods allowed the velocity meter, but it definitely gives the same advantages as the super jump mod


also @imawakka you could probably submit that run with the horizontal jump for The Fall IL under glitches allowed lol

New Zealand

Definitely shouldn't be allowed if the super jump mod isn't - you can use it to tell whether you made the super jump by remembering what the super and non-super vertical speed will be.

Tron_Javolta likes this
Wisconsin, USA

Agreed it seems wrong to allow one and not the other...@Tron_Javolta naw that run was shit lol. ALSO sie question sorry...We have a discord?

Wisconsin, USA

Actually I just realized what you meant about submitting it. Yeah I guess I will do that lol.

Tron_Javolta likes this

Alright, I'll ban both then from further use, considering borkva's run was a year ago I'll have that one stay, as well as Nrrillinthas's current NG+ NWNM since I know he will do better than that and it'll get replaced. Also, nah we don't have a discord, never thought about having that since there were so few people running it, I don't use discord a whole lot personally, I have one, but I'm sure it'd make it easier

Wisconsin, USA

Discord is dope. Lots of other running communities use discord. Just allows faster communication and memeing and stuff lol.


Rules for all categories have been updated to exclude tool-assisted runs from being submitted, and I'll make a discord real quick (gotta look up how to first lol)

United States

Okay, I am fine with that. Sorry for the use of it :PP. Next time I run, I will make sure to switch the assembly ddl files so that the plugin won't work.

Tron_Javolta likes this

For anyone that isn't in the discord/returning after being absent for a while, the "Glitches Allowed" category was renamed to Any% to make more sense and not sound completely stupid