Question Thread for New Runners
9 years ago
Texas, USA

If you have questions about any things in the speedrun that are confusing, or any general questions you have about Link's Awakening DX, ask them here! ffzOnlyTunic


Learning the Super Jump Routes recently and I can't seem to figure out where to get the Rupees for the Frog Song. Always missing around 30 odd as we don't collect the Chest in the Ocarina Temple no more?

Thanks :)

Texas, USA

you get the chest in dungeon 2 and the rupee chest next to the marin cutscene on the beach


Thanks Riddler :) I'll try these in a practise now! :)


Why do we get rid of Bow-Wow... I'm sure there's a reason I just can't remember for the life of me...


Why do we get rid of Bow-Wow... I'm sure there's a reason I just can't remember for the life of me...

Riddler likes this
Texas, USA

you technically dont have to, but bow wow gets in the way of your hookshot during rooster skip and you will lose runs to him, also he eats enemies which messes up your piece of power count

Warr90 likes this

So in my run for the first time ever in D5 I was hook shotting the eel?? Out of the wall and it was just a Fake Moldorm type thing. Never happened before but i wasn't able to damage it. Is there a way to damage it if this happens again?

Texas, USA

no, there is no way to damage the decoy eels, the best way to avoid them is to hit a 2 cycle (4 hits each cycle) because hitting 5 makes the decoy eels able to spawn, so hitting 4 and 4 is the perfect amount each time.

Bad explanation but i hope you understand waht i meant. :)


Ah that explain it then. I think i hat it twice and then three times on the 2nd one hense the fake eel :|

Is there any running difference between playing on the 3ds or emulating/playing gbc? Did they fix any little tricks when remodeling on the 3ds?



On the 3ds you cannot do Super Jumps as i was trying them the other night on my 3ds. I also believe that there's a few others tricks you can't do too. I also think that you cannot "freeze" the moving blocks in D7 where you collect the ball?

I'm sure Riddler will know all of the tricks which you won't be able to do.

If i think of any others i'll let you know. :)

United States

The 3DS uses the 1.2version of the game. Tricks that can't be done are all tricks that are exclusive to 1.0 versions. SJ's (+Super Swimming) and Freeze Blocks are the only ones that come to mind.

The only categories that can be run on non 1.0 versions as they currently stand are Any% and Legacy.

Warr90 likes this

Ok thanks. I wanted to start to run this game to be running more than one game and I wasn't sure if I should just invest in a 3ds or not since the original is quite difficult to see and I imagine isn't 100% the same


I'd highly recommend downloading the Emulator and the Roms and playing on your PC.

If you have a controller that you can plug into your PC like an Xbox controller that's also handy.

Also if you run emulator you can have the screen as big or as small as you desire :D

I wouldn't invest in a 3ds purely just to play LADX although it is a great game! Only buy the 3ds if you intend on using it for other games too :)

I have no experience with emulating and I wouldn't know how to do so. I suppose a PS3 controller with usb would work?

Nevermind I got the emulator Leon posted up and going and plugged my Xbox one controller in now I just don't know how to use the controller's controls to dictate the game. Anybody able to help?


Somewhere in BGBs settings you're able to set up your controller. It'll highlight say "A" and you press which button on the Xbox controller you want to use. I'm not at my computer at the moment so I can't guide you to it sorry!

I've got it thanks!


Glad you've sorted it :)

I'll have to follow you on Twitch and hopefully catch a Stream of you learning or a run :D

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