Too Many Categories
8 years ago

This game is great but nobody seems to be running it + I don't think insane is even run able without some serious dedication.

casual glitchless ? is there even major glitches that would require having a glitch less category?

Pc ? Does pc have a major advantage over console i can't see how.

Could we not have Casual,insane and horde?

I'm not moaning like it probably sounds just curious about the current set up Thanks

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
8 years ago

There is glitch that can potentially save quite a bit of time where you can bounce out of the map. More like a kung fu flip and there is tutorials for it if you want to see it. Considering it can skip huge chunks of the game it deserves it's own category. Where this was brought up by a fellow runner LIVE.

PC could be faster because of loads, on Xbox One I have seen Live and Flurby stuck watching a cutscene. Then one time they can skip it fast, PC can possibly be more consistent with that and load faster.

I fail to see why Horde shouldn't be there, it's doable with friends and RottDawg runs horde on Gears of War 3. Who's to say that someone else might want to run Horde 3.0 as well.

Insane yes is truly insane to run, but if someone wants to then they should be able to. Maybe it could be possible to merge Glitchless and Any% to where glitches are allowed in Insane Any%. Because as any Gears fan knows Insane is so brutal.

United States

Those really are just potential categories that may or may not be removed in the future. As Skaleks said, we have a tech that can potential skip a lot, but it is still being tested, but could possibly be patched out since it can be done in multiplayer. PC differences are somewhat unknown right now, but I will be doing some testing before the new year on PC so we can know for sure.


I Have both and the only real difference i have noticed is the cutscenes are almost completely skippable on low settings and still faster than console on ultra.

Horde should stay for sure.

Could we not have Any% / Glitchless Any% / Horde then add sub categories for the different consoles and just remove insane for the time being ?

I would love a link or search suggestion no luck finding the oob

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
8 years ago

Made the changes, but this glitch can be different enough from glitchless so that's why they are separate. Brass already talked about this and said that we need testing on it and if it's enough then they will separate.

United States

Why didn't we have Console/PC as sub categories to begin with? lol


Yeah that definitely looks like it would be heavy enough to require separate categories.

Would it not just be coop only though or can it be done with npc/closely aligned objects?


The game categories are pretty much set up correctly. The only difficult thing with GOW4 is the fact it's cross platform and story runs are RTA. I primarily set up the GOW3 horde speedrunning categories before so I will try and get it as close as it was before. I am speaking to Skaleks about this already and I will get that part of the game sorted asap.

I think the story categories are fine as they are.

The only changes I would personally put forward for discussion would be:

  • Removal of Platform sub category for horde runs as in game is used and not RTA meaning that cross platform has no impact on run times.

  • Removal of CO-OP any % categories as you can list who the players are within an run anyway (player 1 = x player 2 = y) etc so having a seperate category for CO-OP seems a bit redundant.

  • Rename Glitchless any% to Glitchless. Technically speaking any% means you can use glitches. If the run is glitchless it makes the the any% definition a mute point.

Lastly a very minor thing would be to remove "3.0" from horde which will give us more real estate with the tabs on the main page. Making the page flow a bit better than it currently does.


Spot on swingflips except the point about coop its faster than solo so it would need a seperate category or there would be no point playing solo?

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
8 years ago

Also Swingflip do we really need hardcore and normal for horde? Why not just Casual And Insane? We could just have a Horde Any% and have the difficulties as variables. That way people can compete with the difficulties without the categories so cluttered.

Edited by the author 8 years ago

could we get a leaderboard for all levels rather than just the acts seen as they are hidden away anyway?

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
8 years ago

Levels as in each chapter or maps? See having one for each chapter would be way to cluttered. Take a look at Gears of War 3, I added each chapter because of arcade mode. It shows your time at the end of each chapter. Live wanted to do this and I was like okay because the leaderboards for XBL won't be up forever for the game.

I think it's pretty safe to say that it's established that ILs for Gears games are acts only rather than individual chapters. If it's maps though they don't really make a difference. Sure they can be, but I don't think enough to be up for ILs.

Now I did bring up this on the forums and that is to create leaderboards say for example arcade for Gears of War 3 and challenges for Perfect Dark XBLA. We could have full game, level, and horde leaderboards. That way Act ILs would be different from horde maps. Then horde categories could be separated from full game and have their own leaderboards. I believe if enough people can vouch for this idea then we could see it happen.


levels as in chapters. Its not on the games homepage so it won't effect that anyway and the current level leaderboard is just a list so the amount of entries should not matter?

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
8 years ago

It's more for ease to have them done as acts instead of chapters I believe.


Sorry for being incogneto. Was busy drinking over the weekend.

After reading the responses how about...

Casual Story (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX Glitchless% PC Glitchless% XBOX Coop% PC Coop% XBOX

Insane Story (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX Glitchless% PC Glitchless% XBOX Coop% PC Coop% XBOX

Horde Casual (Category) Horde Normal (Category) Horde Hardcore (Category) Horde Insane(Category)


ACT 1 (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX ACT 2 (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX ACT 3 (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX ACT 4 (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX ACT 5 (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX

HORDE Casual (Category) Individual Maps HORDE Normal (Category) Individual Maps HORDE Hardcore (Category) Individual Maps HORDE Insane (Category) Individual Maps

I think the above format caters for everyone's needs. and keeps the main categories down to 6 which is more than acceptable.

Unlike story I do believe we would still need the 4 difficulties for HORDE as all 4 difficulties are available for matchmaking and require different play styles for each.

I also believe the staple difficulty for HORDE is actually NORMAL. In HORDE and HORDE 2.0 the matchmaking difficulty was equivilent to HORDE 3.0 NORMAL. Once I have set the baseline times for each difficulty (Uploading an INSANE run as we speak) I will mainly run normal unless challenged then I will go for the titles as needed.


wait so individual chapters is cluttered but having 4 times every map isn't? I really don't get why you would need more than a easy and a hard difficulty why would you need 4 Theres Fast Fast and challenge Fast the other 2 are neither here nor there ?

Sorry to lazy to add proper grammar/sentence structure when using my phone.


You are right it is cluttered to a degree apart from speedrunning the story mode and speedrunning horde mode are two completely kettle of fish and cannot be considered under the same format. Not too sure what you mean by:

"why would you need 4 Theres Fast Fast and challenge Fast the other 2 are neither here nor there ?"

Chapters are effectively checkpoints within acts. They are segments of levels. Each individual map is effectively it's own entity and is classed as an individual level.

For all of the Gears games we haven't split each act up by chapter and there is no benefit for doing it with GOW4. The only difference between GOW4 and the rest of the series is that you now have the option to select which difficulty when matchmaking when you could only matchmake on normal previously.

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
8 years ago

Alright I made the changes, what do you think of them now swingflip? I made the maps as a variable and instead of a category for each difficulty it's a variable. That way I can make the difficulty for variable just for horde and maps as well.

If you want to compete with others then you can change filter to see who is the best for any combination of the variables. This is similar to what Soulcalibur does with the characters and console.

I could also do the same for Gears of War 3 because I know you ran horde on multiple maps.

Edited by the author 8 years ago

Insane is truly ridiculous don't see why anybody would speedrun it got 16 minutes into a fight just to be sniped whilst behind cover kudos if anybody ever manages it in sub 8 hours


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