alright, i've been trying to at least 2 hit mia in the attic for like 3 hours now and haven't done it at all, and i want to know if there any strat for it or is it just luck?
you need a (200) fps to kill her with one or two hit and you need to be in a perfect spot yeah sometime you need a little bit of luck ..
It looks like you're running on console, so, the two hit is a mix of luck and positioning. As far as is known the one hit Mia is a PC only thing as they can change graphics settings to make it happen. No console players to the best of my and many of the top ten runners knowledge have had a one hit Mia. The console world record run I believe has a two hit Mia, and AAAA08's submitted run I think is another 2 hit Mia if you want to take a look at positioning. But honestly it is difficult to get a decent Mia consistently on console. If you make it consistent, let me know how, please! Lol.
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