Tribe categcories
2 years ago

i would love if there could be categories added for each tribe becouse the entiere game is a bit long for a singe Run in my opinion

also i dont know if its allowed but i would add a working verion of dos lemmings 2 the tribes to the resources tab becouse as i found out it can be really dificult to get a fully working verion of lemmings 2 the tribes ms-dos and even the l2 cd i bought doesnt have everything aka no sound or music

edit: i got the l2 cd to work perfectly im willing to share the data if its needed

Edited by the author 2 years ago

Reviewing the long play, honestly, that makes a lot of sense to me:

I'm not sure the best way to approach it there; I can imagine all the tribes on the main page as all the tribes listed out (like Fun, Tricky, etc. appear on the main board).

I can also imagine listed out as Individal Levels.

Either way, I'll keep the Gold%/Any$ Subcat distrinction.

As far as putting the game in the resources tab, we probably won't be able to do that here on this main page since like... copyright, probably. Probably more of a discord thing unfortunately.

But yes, might take me a few days to implement these changes. Feel free to start running it.

FuyuYuki likes this

i dont know if it would be possible but it would be cool if there would be for every thribe a (any%) and a (100%). any% meaning than that as long as at least 1 lemmings makes it to the end it counts and 100% would be not allowed to lose a single lemmings in the entiere run

Edited by the author 1 year ago

In Lemmings 2, Gold is achieved when you basically save the maximum number of intend Lemmings in a level. It's not possible to save 100% of the Lemmings in this game. On the ones that it is possible, it's necessary to save 100% of lemmings.

As such Gold% stands in for 100% effectively, whereas, Any% would remain the same. It is also possible to do a Silver%, though I haven't had intentions of expanding categories given no one has caught up to running it yet.

FuyuYuki likes this

yeah by 100% i basicly meant gold% but i think with tricks it is possible to save every lemming in the game


When using DOSBOX, is it necessary to define a CPU Cycle limit as in the Lemmings1 game rules? That could make a big difference in loading time.

FuyuYuki likes this

@pirohiko I'd have to mess with to know 100% for sure, but in the original Lemmings, the game has a max speed; doesn't matter how many more cycles you add, it won't go faster. I assume this is the same for Lemmings 2, but I do not know. I'll see if I can determine that definitely this week.

In general though, if the game caps is own limit, then you can use as many cycles as you want. If there is no cap, and then game runs faster and faster no matter how many more cycles you add, then we may need to be defined.

I'll see if I can get you a definite answer. Good timing, plan on finishing up constructing these boards in general as well.

FuyuYuki likes this

from what i can tell it doesn't matter how many cycles you have cause when i tested a bit i got the exact same loading time with 13000(my normal cycles) as with 100000 cycles so i think they caped it but let me know if its not


After doing some testing, game play is only affected below 500 cycles; after that, game play speed is capped, and won't move faster.

Loading speed does seem to go faster when feeding more cycles into; but I went up to 80k cycles, and at some point, the loading simply wasn't going faster, probably around that normal 10-12kish area.

In any case, using more cycles up to a point will no longer provide any additional advantage. So, for all intents and purposes, the cycle related rules for DOS runs will be consistent between Lemmings 2 and 1, and Oh No, for that matter. Cycle away.


Comparison of Lemmings 2 loading times at different CPU cycles in Dosbox.


I'm not sure the specifics of your set up, but the default max cycles is 50000 cycles. So hard to say from that alone if there was a difference between say.. 10k and 20k. Possibly maxes out anywhere between 10k-50k, or maxes even higher.

In any case, there appears to be no reason to restrict cycles for DOS emulation, and like other Lemmings games, there won't be a limit to it, since only load times are affected, and game play remains unchanged.


Since "cycles=max" is the fastest to load, I would use max sycles for Gold% if there is no limit.


You can actually set cycles above the default max, which is only 50k. So you can set the cycles above 50k, if you so want. That would apply wholly for the game in general, irrespective of category.

Just not clear exactly where the upper limit before it no longer makes a difference. But runners are allowed to use whichever they want.


Alright, I believe I got a good framework for the boards now that will definitely allow for DOS runs to go without much issue, and the basic rules have been spelled out as discussed in this thread.

If there are any comments or concerns, let me know. I tried to get the board set up in the most logical way, but with keeping in mind the appearance and trying to keep some consistency with how the lemmings series present things.

The only thing I have immediately left to do is to add the DOS levels since they are been requested; I will get those up soon as well.