I'd like to submit a new category for HD2 Category Extensions.
2 months ago

My friend came up with the idea and we did our first run of it today. It's called Alldive Any%. The goal is to successfully complete and extract from 1 mission on every difficulty level as quickly as possible. The missions can be attempted in any difficulty order and don't have to be against the same enemy faction. This allows for lots of different strategies to be used by runners: you can pick one enemy faction that you're most comfortable with and stay on that one planet to cut down on FTL timelosses, or intentionally play against, say, the Illuminate on higher difficulties, since they have less enemy variety.

The rules are as follows:

  • The run can be done either solo or with friends/randoms (separate categories can be made for Solo and Multiplayer runs). However, missions-in-progress cannot be joined.
  • Runners can complete each mission in whatever difficulty order they like, and can be completed against Terminids, Automatons or the Illuminate. Runners can choose to fight one particular enemy faction or multiple across these missions.
  • The runner must be alive and extract at the end of the mission for a mission to be considered complete for the run. If a mission is completed but the runner isn't able to extract, or a mission fails due to lack of time or reinforcements, then the run is unsuccessful.
  • Time starts when the runner selects their first mission from the Galactic Map for the run. Splits are made when the runner selects their next mission from the Galactic Map. Time stops when the runner enters the Pelican to extract on the 10th and final mission of their run.
  • To cut down mission type RNG, a max of 3 each of Blitz and Eradicate missions are allowed per run.

What do you think? I can post a recording of the first run my friend and I did, which was a 1h:26m:18s:24ms entering the Pelican (although one Eradicate mission was completed without anyone, runner included, extracting).

iSyphon likes this
United States

This has some interesting concepts and I'm open to the idea. You should join the official helldivers 2 speedrunning discord and discuss this concept there: https://discord.gg/vPrs9bfG

If other people are receptive to the idea and a lot of people express interest in running a category with these constraints, then we can further discuss creating a new category. However I'll preface this by saying that a new category needs popular support from the community and an abundance of people willing to run it, otherwise it won't get made.

iSyphon likes this
United States

On a separate note, I think you'll like some of the full game categories on the main page such as 'All Factions 100%'. It's a category where you complete an operation against each currently available faction under the 100% guidelines.

iSyphon likes this
United States

This is an interesting idea I haven't thought of. I think the community would like it with some tweaks. Hope to see this idea get executed on soon.

United States

We can't actually accommodate this type of run since it uses real time instead of in-game-time, however it could be possible if it was switched to in game time. That being said what Clark said is true it would need people willing to run it and the current full game categories aren't very popular as is

Edited by the author 1 month ago
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Minor Edit To Recent DSS Changes

Following the recent DSS changes, a minor edit has been made to the new DSS submission rules;

You may submit a run with DSS on your planet if it is inactive (show on video), or if all POVs are shown, and no stratagems or other benefits provided by the DSS are used.


4 days ago