DOS timing
3 years ago
Connecticut, USA

I'm working on getting a DOS run of this completed; hopefully I'll make it through Doom without any fatal mistakes pretty soon here.

As of right now, there are no explicit timing guidelines for either version, but the NES runs seem to consistently use the frame when "New Character" is selected as the start of the run, and the frame when you enter the mirror as the end of the run.

The one DOS run is just using the total length of the original video, though, which includes the title screen plus the full ending up to the congratulatory scroll.

So I just wanted to see if the mods think that the DOS run should use the same timing rules that are being used by the NES runs, and the DOS record's timing be updated accordingly. At a glance, it looks like the time for the DOS video would be around 34:16 if timed in the same way as the NES videos.

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Super moderatorsquibbons
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
3 years ago

Good call out! To keep it consistent, we will set the start time at the Are you Male or Female? question which sets you are the start of the class selection(same as choosing New Hero in the NES version and consistent with the rest of the DOS games. The end time will be set to entering the mirror. I will update the rules and update the timing on the video to reflect the new timing. Thanks!

NLeseul likes this
Connecticut, USA

Thanks! That will simplify starting my splits.

As long as I'm thinking about it, do you know if there's any reason why the MIDI patch for U5 would affect timing? I've been using it so that my streams aren't mostly dead silence, and so that I can use the Ctrl+E feature it adds to reset quickly, but it's not technically running with the original game as published.

Super moderatorsquibbons
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
3 years ago

It does not sound like that would in any way make the game faster. I went and read the release log for it, and everything seems to check out as only patching music and adding the exits back to DOS. These do not seem like they would give you an advantage during a run in any way at all, so I do not see why it would not be allowed.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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Posted 3 years ago
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