How to manage invetory for Any%
7 years ago
New York, USA

So I just into running this game and I am complete crap at anything inventory wise and wish to improve on it so I can use items way quicker. Are there are tip for doing this? I would like to eventually practice it along with some other things I am trying to find out.

Florida, USA

Adjusting the inventory cursor to where an item will be during wait periods are nice. For example, while waiting for Jack's body to drop after the chainsaw fight (before you can use the chainsaw on the door).

Connecticut, USA

Some of the big ones I find:

-Tossing the car keys while waiting for Jack to get out of the burning car in Jack 1 (double helpful so I don't accidently use the car keys on the dissection room door with 5 molded running behind me) -While waiting for the deputy is a great time to mix up some first aid kits, open the item box to get any 'new item' notifications out of the way so you can mash through it later on -the happy birthday puzzle has TONS of wait time so you can move your cursor to the candle/valve handle for fast mashing -repairing the broken shotgun using the kit under the house saves you two crucial inventory spaces (and does more dps overall) at a time when you should have all 3 dog heads and the scorpion key weighing you down -it may be tempting to ditch the scorpion, crow and snake key at an item box since you can't discard them, but remember the mandatory inventory dump at the happy birthday room -After the happy birthday room, sort the inventory box, guns, ammo and healing are all next to each other, and the crank and d-arm are right next to each other

Some of these are pretty obvious, but I kept em for posterity anyway

New York, USA

So I need to just need to know and get used to when I have quick wait times to get into the menu to move the cursor around to what I need.

Are there any other things mandatory for the route for this run? I feel like I need to take in a lot of information so I can process everything. I am just basically working with the bare minimum.

United Kingdom

There are a lot of points you can manage your inventory, like even before you get to the main house when you kill Mia, you can move it to the main slot ready for the hatch key; and a new one I found is during the Mia videotape when you're coming up the final elevator from B2F to 2F ready to end, youve got time in the elevator to move your inventory slot to the slot ready for the lug wrench. I find more every time I run. Sure it's not much, maybe 0.5-1 second, but if you do it 30 times in a run thats 30 to 60 seconds saved

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New York, USA

Would you know where I can find the route for this run so I can look it over? Or anything that helps to be up to date since I am extremely new to all this and speedrunning in general?

United Kingdom

Uh, theres no definitive text guide as far as im aware, thats bad for RE7 because well that wouldnt work very well.

Depending on what you're running (Any% NG/NG+ Easy/Madhouse) you can check the world record for each, like Any% NG+ is distortions, Any% NG is mine, so you can just watch those over and take the points down where you need, im happy to give you guidance on anything if you want though, add me on steam if you like